Third Party Press

found a neat gew98 stock in my local smithy's wood pile....


Well-known member
Went to my local smithy to pick up some repairs with my son.. Brought the old fella some home made balckberry/raspberry jam and a quart of barrel bourbon. And he had a pile of mostly VZ stocksI got looking in them and spotted a couple gew98 length peices..two brazil types with the short bayonet lug and one bonafide gew98 stock. Stock is Beech , unsanded , never monkeyed with. Has a takedown disc, the large B below it. A fraktur proofed buttplate , bayonet lug that neither are serialed. Has both band springs & Q/D ferrule in stock. Has a fraktur M under a crown in grip. No serial inside barrel channel. Only serial i#817 is on buttstock comb. Fingergrooved. Missing the recoil crossbolt. Has a very german dovetailed repair on the r/s of stock between the band springs
Two conclusions..... it's a depot replacement stock.
Or it's a reject used postwar on a wehrmannsgewehr. My bet is on the latter . Anyhow I guess I'll drag it to the SOS show and trade it off. I'd post pics but apple phone took a shite , so using the spare samsung thing and it's very unfamiliar to me.

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