First time purchaser of K98K

... I'm under the impression that I can acquire a decent condition K98K with Nazi insignia, ideally a Brno version, for roughly $200-250. Is this a reasonable impression?....

A very reasonable impression for maybe two years ago, but not now. Figure on paying at least $400 for an unpeened Russian capture with unmatching numbers, in fair to good condition.

... My next question... are people on here interested in selling them, or would you guys recommend I search online gun brokers instead?....

I started looking for one almost a year ago. I prefer to look at my military rifles before I buy so I decided to look around in area gun shops and gun shows. None were found, except for one that was sporterized and ridiculously overpriced. I then turned to one of my gunsmith buddies who is a WWII military rifle collector with connections to other collectors. It took him about three months, but he found one for me that was in my budget ($400 max) and would be suitable for use during reenacting. It looks decent, is unpeened, and shoots very accurately, but has unmatched numbers. Not exactly a highly sought after collectible, but it suits my needs.

Agreed. Or Mosin Nagant 91/30 rifles, but even those have been going up in price. But, you could get one of those for $150-$175 pretty easy for a nice one....

I remember back in 2012, I bought a very nice M91/30 for $89, including bayonet, ammo pouches, and cleaning kit. Those days are over. If they are in stock, the cheapest I've seen them at the store is $129 on sale.

OK, gentlemen. :) Would anyone care to suggest a reasonable alternative rifle, similar in style, another Mauser perhaps? I'm a new shooter, so I'm simply looking for reliability, decent quality, and love the historical aspect of WW2.

If shooting is more important to you than collecting WWII rifles, then I suggest the Yugo M48 series. You can still get them for around $300 if you look hard enough. The rifles are typically found in almost new condition. They are sexy looking, extremely well made, and accurate.