First Matching K98k; 1939 Sauer

Hello, nice rifle, I've had several guns over the years with that type of light rust on them. I use 0000 steel wool very lightly with shooters choice bore cleaner, it'll take most or all of that off, doesn't look very heavy, and it won't hurt any finish thats left. Just don't get it on your stock. I've had very good luck with it. Ken.
Sling came today to finish off the Sauer. The frosch is missing the leather wrap, the buckle its leather pad, and the sling its keeper; but not bad for $90 + shipping. The leather is very supple and retains ~80% of its cross-hatching. I had a spare keeper from a Czech sling and I put it in a safe place for today - so safe I couldn't find it. It'll turn up in 6 months.

Pics got cat-bombed again. When you've got 6 of them and lay out a blanket, you're asking for trouble.

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Pulled the action out and wrapped the receiver in a gallon Ziploc bag and let it sit overnight in a mixture of PB Blaster and Prolong penetrating oils to work on the surface corrosion. While there was not a dramatic change it did help the patina overall by removing the brown from the rust (the oil is the bag was dark brown) and smoothing the surface. If I can ever find some Kroil, I may try again.

