For many years, the good stuff is seen and bought and sold among the dealers and vendors on Friday nites, during setup.
L-o-n-g before the general public is allowed in on Saturday morning!
Go to a show on any Saturday morning . . . look UNDER the tables, behind the cloth table covers. . . .see the good stuff BEFORE dealers/vendors can spirit it away to their waiting vans and trucks outside!
Yeah, I gave up on shows DECADES ago!
very true when we used to set up a table on fridays at the forks of the delaware shows, lots of trading that night, but the goodies walked through the door saturday morning
see buying and selling among dealers is one thing, buying from the general public is where its at. PRIVATE SALE .
Guy "A" walks into the show with granddad's 98k or P-38, luger, etc. he wants the price as the same firearms for sale on the tables. dealers want to buy at half price to make a profit
the Guy "A" gets pissy ( always) and moves on till, he makes to our table. I also walking around I pretend to be looking in the case or items on the next table, I over hear Guy "A" and the dealer speaking. Once he has left the table ( never interfere in a dealer and potential customer NEVER!!!.) and Guy "A" walks away, ask if I can look at it. if your a collector ( a real Collector) you will offer 3/4 of the current rate. See Guy "A" wants as much as he can get and will settle.
Plus the guys walking around with large bags and backpacks, they general have handguns in them. I also try to look at these walk ins after they have been to a few tables, helps for others to aggravate Guy "A" for me
I would say 50 % of what was under our table are items, I bought from the general public. heck in the late 70's & 80's, we would staked out the front door and parking lots for little old ladies selling their deceased husbands firearms. We used to buy shopping bags with handguns in them almost every show, those days are over.
Some more secrets, the easiest way to find out if a table of firearms is a Dealer or someone selling a collection, Ask the guy running the table, if the negotiated price includes TAX, if he says no, he is usually not a dealer==== Private purchase.
hope this helps
Private Sales!!!!!!!!!!!!!