Experience With Local Gun Shows?

Where abouts in NY?

I do my Japanese display alot in Syracuse and Rochester, so maybe that's the Japanese stuff you always see? Haha!

Hah! I've definitely seen your table before! Maybe it was in Hamburg? Not sure. Definitely one of the more memorable setups though lol.
I go every once in awhile..... same old crap as they usually have... jerky leather purses, nuts, cheap chinese knockoff crap scopes. knives etc.... there are a few good vendors that I know that I get discounts.. .but that's usually for AR accessories... I go to get certain types of ammo... but typically Virginia gunshows are a joke there is never anything collectable that is good, at least, that I am interested in. Any k98s are rare in VA, when you do see one its a trashed RC. I've seen 1 correct K98, a BSW that I had to pass on unfortunately, but it found a good home with a member on here.

Sometimes you get lucky... last year my sister allowed my brother-in-law to go to the gun show under the condition that I stop him from buying anything. He calls saying a guy at the front just pulled out a bunch of Pythons... he grabbed a blued 6" and I picked up an 8" to add to my collection.... both for super super cheap. She wasn't happy. Sometimes you just can't control yourself.
For many years, the good stuff is seen and bought and sold among the dealers and vendors on Friday nites, during setup.
L-o-n-g before the general public is allowed in on Saturday morning!
Go to a show on any Saturday morning . . . look UNDER the tables, behind the cloth table covers. . . .see the good stuff BEFORE dealers/vendors can spirit it away to their waiting vans and trucks outside!

Yeah, I gave up on shows DECADES ago!
If you eat enough oysters you are going to find a pearl at some point, or get hepatitis, maybe both.

All said, I think if you have the time to go you should go. When I was young, in my teens into my 30s I never missed a show, usually setting up at them, the big ones too. Now, I never make one. I've reached a point where my collection is ok where it is, any of the few things I'm looking for are not likely to be found at a any show here.

I agree Hambone. You are fortunate to have a collection of your caliber.it is full of some great stuff. My problem is that I deal in a lot of different stuff. Most little local shows don’t have much any more so I do skip most of them I guess but try to replace them with better shows that are further away. I went to the Dallas military show in January and did really well there. I didn’t keep much of it but bought a lot of things that I flipped. Had a great time also.
Why not go to the local shows? Why not stop at that pawn shop or take a detour on a road trip to hit a small, dumpy gunstore? Every time I walk into a show or shop I think -“this might be the time I score”. That keeps me going and is way more satisfying that purchasing a gun online.
Why not go to the local shows? Why not stop at that pawn shop or take a detour on a road trip to hit a small, dumpy gunstore? Every time I walk into a show or shop I think -“this might be the time I score”. That keeps me going and is way more satisfying that purchasing a gun online.

I frequently pop into my local pawn shop to see what they have. Every once in a while they have a milsurp that came in. So far, I picked up a Mosin Nagant (what pawn shop doesn’t have those lol), Nagant revolver and a nice Enfield No 2 Mk I from that shop. You never know what someone might have sold to them. Plus around me, I feel like milsurp stuff will just sit there compared to the hunting and more modern stuff
I cut way down going to most of the big name table shows in my area, no many AR's and related stuff, not to mention beef jerky and other non gun items. Interesting also is seems like you pay to park ($10) pay to enter ($10) and get to pay retail prices. I can go to any gun store, park and enter for free and pay retail or sometimes little less.

There may be an occasional pearl in the oyster. I have over the years picked up several nice K's for good prices but mostly at smaller out of the way shows.
The other side of that coin is going to strictly Mil-collector shows the selection is far greater and so are the prices.

I attend the Texas Gun Collector Association shows mainly as entertainment, the stuff there is amazing in quality and prices are over the top. It seems more like friendly game of my collection is better than yours between the members with not many sales taking place.

I have the Show of Shows this year on my list of things to do now that I have time to.
I enjoy going to a few shows here in Kansas City. Typically you know what guys to look for but its mostly all newer stuff. We do however have a nice one once a year held by the Missouri Valley Arms Collectors Association.
I always go to the July K.C. show. It’s a great show. I miss the January show. It was a great way to start the year off. I wonder are they going to have the show this July? Hope so. Maybe I will see you there. Larry
I always go to the July K.C. show. It’s a great show. I miss the January show. It was a great way to start the year off. I wonder are they going to have the show this July? Hope so. Maybe I will see you there. Larry

I sure hope so Larry. Really enjoy that one.
US gun shows sound terrible...

I would be broke and penniless if I was able to snatch up all the sweet quality milsurps that show up at the shows I go to... But, I also have quite the variation in my collection and don’t just search out the minty closet fresh K98s.

As it goes, besides Portuguese contract K98s, you’ll almost never see a mint matching K98 at a Gunshow up here. You’ll see more StG44s per show than matching K98s.
For many years, the good stuff is seen and bought and sold among the dealers and vendors on Friday nites, during setup.
L-o-n-g before the general public is allowed in on Saturday morning!
Go to a show on any Saturday morning . . . look UNDER the tables, behind the cloth table covers. . . .see the good stuff BEFORE dealers/vendors can spirit it away to their waiting vans and trucks outside!

Yeah, I gave up on shows DECADES ago!

very true when we used to set up a table on fridays at the forks of the delaware shows, lots of trading that night, but the goodies walked through the door saturday morning

see buying and selling among dealers is one thing, buying from the general public is where its at. PRIVATE SALE .

Guy "A" walks into the show with granddad's 98k or P-38, luger, etc. he wants the price as the same firearms for sale on the tables. dealers want to buy at half price to make a profit
the Guy "A" gets pissy ( always) and moves on till, he makes to our table. I also walking around I pretend to be looking in the case or items on the next table, I over hear Guy "A" and the dealer speaking. Once he has left the table ( never interfere in a dealer and potential customer NEVER!!!.) and Guy "A" walks away, ask if I can look at it. if your a collector ( a real Collector) you will offer 3/4 of the current rate. See Guy "A" wants as much as he can get and will settle.

Plus the guys walking around with large bags and backpacks, they general have handguns in them. I also try to look at these walk ins after they have been to a few tables, helps for others to aggravate Guy "A" for me
I would say 50 % of what was under our table are items, I bought from the general public. heck in the late 70's & 80's, we would staked out the front door and parking lots for little old ladies selling their deceased husbands firearms. We used to buy shopping bags with handguns in them almost every show, those days are over.

Some more secrets, the easiest way to find out if a table of firearms is a Dealer or someone selling a collection, Ask the guy running the table, if the negotiated price includes TAX, if he says no, he is usually not a dealer==== Private purchase.

hope this helps

Private Sales!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't comment on 98k's, but setting up displays the last few years at local shows has given me alot of rare items from walk ins and just by being there all day to see what dealers bring out on their tables.

Setting up at the local shows cost me roughly $50 a weekend, plus gas to drive there, and the things it has given me have long paid the cost of a table. This doesn't even include the rifles I've found during the two whole days at the show on top of that and Friday night set up.

Since 2017:

-All matching 1941 Podolsk SVT-40 (walk in)
-Type 89 Knee Mortar - demilled (from a walk in who saw my Japanese display)
-Rare 11th series Rope hole Type 99 (walk in)
-Type 10 Knee Mortar - demilled (from a walk in who saw my Type 89 on display)
-Type 99 in GI made shipping crate (walk in who saw my display of crates)
-Matching mummed 7th series Type 99 for $150 (from a walk in; was missing hand guard)
-20th series Type 99 w/ matching capture papers (walk in)
-Grenada bring back VZ-52 (from a walk in who saw my display and asked if I was interested in it)


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The Michigan Antique Arms Show and the Ohio Gun Collectors Shows are the only ones I go to.
Properly managed with no Beanie Babys, Jerky and very few "Tupperware Guns".
If you eat enough oysters you are going to find a pearl at some point, or get hepatitis, maybe both.

All said, I think if you have the time to go you should go. When I was young, in my teens into my 30s I never missed a show, usually setting up at them, the big ones too. Now, I never make one. I've reached a point where my collection is ok where it is, any of the few things I'm looking for are not likely to be found at a any show here.

Hambone speaks with great wisdom!
Perhaps the worst day at a GS, is better than the best day at work. I range from buying 0 - 3 k98s at a local show.
Bob said it well. I’ve been going to the Allentown pa show for decades and still try not to miss them. A great couple hours away, talking to like minded individuals and familiar faces and always a good dipstick on the marketplace. Certainly fewer great deals but still the last few years have yielded a matching (less scope) LSR for $3k (on the “good guns cheap!” Table no less), matching 1918 Erfurt az for $275 and even an unnumbered bcd4. I’m still happy leaving empty handed for the experience but it’s also a good militaria show and I can usually find a neat piece or two. At last falls show I found a matching 44 ffc in unissued condition for $125 that plenty of folks had walked past. Or the imperial bandolier still full and sewn up folded up on the table for $50 not too long ago. And being a member gets you in for free and 30 minutes earlier that the general public which is early enough to still see what dealers have brought/found and are horse trading that you can get in on. Mauser prices in general there are way too high with dealers but still picking up, holding and listening is still the best way to learn and I’m not too old for that.
I go to my local (Concord, NH) shows, mainly for shooting supplies, (ammo, patches, targets) but always look out for old long guns w/wooden stocks, the misc parts guys, (once picked up a slightly bent TG for $5). I don’t even glance at tables w/modern guns, or the big $ displays, or any table covered w/ plastic netting. 10+ years ago I saw a 2 table display by a “real” k98k collector, wasn’t selling, just display. He wasn’t very talkative, but had nice rifles. Haven’t seen him since. I did see some rifles from an estate collection in Sept 2019, on offer by a LGS at the show, & bought one. A senior member here stopped my & asked to look at it, how I learned of this forum. That alone was worth the price of admission, even if the rifle (bcd 43) is less than perfect (repaired duffle cut, stock cleaned, a bit Mitchelly)

If there were a show, tomorrow, I’d go, mask & all!
I think shows are better in certain regions.. Gun un friendly states they tend to suck more than pro gun states.. I haven't been to a show in Mass in 15 years or more. Waste of time for the most part. Long lines tons of crap.
But, I drive to PA to attend the Allentown show and really enjoy it. Reminds me of the mass shows when I started. Not every show is a winner but, part of it is hanging out talking shop with the guys and going out and having a meal.

I think its important to go to these small shows and keep them relevant. If not we will all be stuck at home with no where to go and that's a dismal thought even more now than ever.. The internet is fine but going out and walking around and looing at items feeling them examining them is very important. IMHO..

One dirty little secret of shows is and I learned later on is why all good stuff is gone ??? Friday set up all the underpriced or super nice stuff gets snatched up by all the other vendors.. I travelled for years going to every show never to find a good matching k98 . I did my best popping into every rinky dink gun shop from here to kingdom cum as most dealers had no clue what a good 98 was or what it was worth . And to this day there are still many who don't..

Keep looking and enjoy the hunt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!