Epic waftardation: "Christmas in August"


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My opinions: this poor ex-waftard (he's "suspended") got more bad helmets dumped on him at once than anyone I've ever seen. Then, it looks like he got suspended from WAF as I guess after all the honkers were offloaded there was no reason to keep him about. Peter U, I'm sure you have a picture of the epic "Christmas in August" ?


  • xmas in august.JPG
    xmas in august.JPG
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I frankly thought something would implode with fake camos instead of the SS lid scamming. When you see helmets changing hands that often, then dumped all at once, that says something not good, IMHO.
"A camo collectors burden today..."


Just exactly WHAT is that burden?

I don't collect helmets but would turn that statement back on anyone who collects anything. I can't imagine having a burden living in my collection. Perhaps a substantial investment. But a burden?
"A camo collectors burden today..."


Just exactly WHAT is that burden?

I don't collect helmets but would turn that statement back on anyone who collects anything. I can't imagine having a burden living in my collection. Perhaps a substantial investment. But a burden?

A constant source of some of the most self-serving asinine commentary delivered in a pretentious manner that I've ever seen consolidated in one place, for over a decade. It's what happens when you have censors protecting buffoonery which serves the agenda. There is no balance, no accountability, no real debate or discussion. Probably almost as many people have been ripped off by it as have been helped IMHO.
Any idea how much "Martin" would have had to spend to aquire this, apparently dubious, collection?


If I remember it correctly, he bought 10 or 12 helmets for +/- $2.500, perhaps he got a discount.
Of those 10/12 helmets only two were good, the others were tras, so no matter what he paid for the lot, in the end he ended up with two very expensive originals and a bunch of crap that he can sell to a reenactor.
I remember this Christmas in August thread very good; btw "Christmas in August" is for me the #2 waftardphrase, the absolute #1 is "not so much camo colours but flying circus team colours" :laugh:
Young and/or new collectors should read this thread and the one about the champain ruined helmet that was voted helmet of the year on GHW, so that they are warned for the bs that is told in this part of militaria collecting.
...Young and/or new collectors should read this thread and the one about the champain ruined helmet that was voted helmet of the year on GHW, so that they are warned for the bs that is told in this part of militaria collecting.

So much BS in helmet collecting. I think I will stick to collecting field telephone equipment which is much less likely to be faked. If it's faked, it's a lot easier to tell. :facepalm:
Always enjoy reading your WAF posts hambone -

It has certainly opened my eyes to the helmet collecting world over at WAF.
I am circling an M38 over there - (WAF Classifieds) -
That particular area of collecting (Fallschirmjager) seems a little less corrupted than the helmet forum, but I am certainly proceeding with caution.
It is tough, the internet has opened up new worlds of commerce, but as they open, they can also become corrupted - thank you for being a voice of reason.

The other helmets in my collection came from members on this forum.
Always enjoy reading your WAF posts hambone -

It has certainly opened my eyes to the helmet collecting world over at WAF.
I am circling an M38 over there - (WAF Classifieds) -
That particular area of collecting (Fallschirmjager) seems a little less corrupted than the helmet forum, but I am certainly proceeding with caution.
It is tough, the internet has opened up new worlds of commerce, but as they open, they can also become corrupted - thank you for being a voice of reason.

The other helmets in my collection came from members on this forum.

Sorry to say I would have to disagree. There seem to be more fake Para lids than ever floating around.. They vary in quality for sure.
Also para gear, smocks ect are highly faked. I haven't seen the one you are mentioning ?
Hi Mauser,

You mis-read - most likely due to the fact I mis-wrote - my post, my bad.

My comment, which is slightly mangled grammar wise: "...I am circling an M38 over there - (WAF Classifieds) -
That particular area of collecting (Fallschirmjager) seems a little less corrupted than the helmet forum.

I am directly alluding to the "Fallschirmjager discussion board" at WAF, where I feel there is a pretty good free-flow of information that at least to me, appears fairly uncorrupted. But, rereading my post, I see why it was misunderstood - lol.

As in all things in life or collecting, you read a few opinions from strangers on line, and then you do your own research, and weigh the pros and cons.
I have had great help and information over there, and haven't encountered any "old boy" mentality, of the sort, apparently rife on the "helmet" section of their forum.

I certainly wasn't stating FJ material is safe of fakes - Fallschirmjager items like SS items are amongst the MOST faked and reproduced items in German WW2 collecting, for obvious reasons, which is why I quite enjoy the WAF site.

My FG42, spare mags, and multiple FJ items in my collection all came through WAF forum classifieds, so it would be hypocritical to say I didn't enjoy that site.

I realize this isn't a thread in support of WAF, so, in the interest of a free flow of discussion, I apologize, but have had only great conversations and experience at the FJ forum there.

But, then I also didn't spend thousands of dollars on a champagne rune helmet, that turned out to be a fake.
As I wrote previously, I enjoy these threads from Doug, as they remind one, that it is imperative to stay cautious in this hobby.

Always enjoy reading your WAF posts hambone -

It has certainly opened my eyes to the helmet collecting world over at WAF.
I am circling an M38 over there - (WAF Classifieds) -
That particular area of collecting (Fallschirmjager) seems a little less corrupted than the helmet forum, but I am certainly proceeding with caution.
It is tough, the internet has opened up new worlds of commerce, but as they open, they can also become corrupted - thank you for being a voice of reason.

The other helmets in my collection came from members on this forum.

I agree with this. Pitfighter said it's less corrupted. It's far easier to spot a fake M.38 than a camo humped M.35/40/42, IMHO. But I agree with Mauser that there is a good deal of humpery in FJ too. I think other than cloth it's just harder to accomplish.
The best part about WAF:

When people start challenging fakes, others start saying

Option A:
"I won't post my stuff here, as I don't need this ridicule. Other serious collectors won't either. You all will stay ignorant."

Option B:
"I'm older than you."

Option C:
"Post your original stuff."

Option D:
"You sound like hambone."

Just pure gold.