Elite Diamant

By 1942 or later hard to say they even reserialed it? question remain when it was done in Waffenwerkstatt of unit, or by divisional depot or HZA?
firstly You should remove the old vaseline as there are proofs on grips, i assume there is WaA253 which is not proper for Elite, flashguard looks too is not assembly numbered. As mentioned pictures should be made on daylight wout flash. When there is WaA253 so it should be for 1938-40 period and Solingen area and so not proper for 41cof too.
from the flecks and plum blue i would believe the i/41 was reblued in war, postwar it was by someone sharpened the sharpening is not blued, so the blueing is period mostly but probably not same time as production, the 41cof could be spared with it by this refurbishment teoretically when not done postwar?, scratches on scabbard were blued over. There is other reported piece in dbase that was mentioned the letter on scabbard is upside down d, there are other mentioned pieces that P was used in capital upper case form, but i couldnt confirm it, as i dont have real pictures of that range.
One of my Cof 41s from the P series.
The marking on our friend's scabbard is indeed a P.

Best regards
firstly You should remove the old vaseline as there are proofs on grips, i assume there is WaA253 which is not proper for Elite, flashguard looks too is not assembly numbered. As mentioned pictures should be made on daylight wout flash. When there is WaA253 so it should be for 1938-40 period and Solingen area and so not proper for 41cof too.

Sure enough!

"94" on each grip panel as well as WaA253 on the other side. Safe to say "pieced together"?


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94 serialed to unknown other piece both grips from one bayonet, WaA253 is a Solingen proof prior 1940. Every part in grip has different assembly number, tang/lock lug?- 20, flashguard 75 and grips 94. By post 1942 should be minimal serials striked out, when assembled and even not new serialed. Any other proofs on flashguard?
Nothing else on the flashguard. WaA 218 on the heel of the grip and on the spanner nut portion of the locking lug.