Early Mauser Oberndorf Turret Data Table


Super Over the Top Moderator -1/2
Staff member
Guys if any of you have data to share, I would appreciate it.
If you want to keep it confidential, just PM me the data.
I will eventually add the 1940 low turrets to the table but there are only handful of surviving examples.

This will run into early 1944. Some interesting aspects already:

1. Group of early HT in the 1943 'k' block
2. Spandau inspection/acceptance as late as the 'b' block of 1944 production.

This data will be updated and eventually inserted into the book addendum currently underway.



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Do you want rifle data only or also scope data?

Edit: not that it would matter much, but just to have it mentioned .. chart title for Spandau has typo, accetance instead of correctly acceptance
Will take any data you can supply regardless if matching or not.
The prerequisite would be that stock should match or scope matches action with MM stock.

I need accurate stock data to determine the prevalence of Spandau inspection on these early Mauser turrets.

Georg, I will correct the typo!

Yes, scope data especially with the low turret platforms and any scope with the letter block added would be greatly appreciated.

This table will be posted as a sticky once we add more data.

My rifle is 24207i

Though my stock matches, it was sadly sanded and external markings were obliterated...and it didn't come with the scope. The bolt (5069i, presumably from 2,3, or 45069i?) is from the same letter block with a shaved safety but it does not match the rifle. Yeah it's a shooter level LT. Lol!
I have record and pictures of the following rifles:
1. byf43 low turret, serial number 43641 f with matching scope which is an Ajack serial number 43939. I don't have pictures of the stock numbers or proof marks.
2. byf43, serial number 16852 i with matching scope which is a bmj serial number 66934. Not many pictures of the stock but no depot stamp on the side
I know know that both low and high turrets (early) were routed through Spandau, and some were marked as such.
Will post up pics later.

Here is a 'b' block Oberndorf turret (1944) with dual Spandau acceptance stamps.
The small Su stamp below the side WaA135 is there, just hard to spot.


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Here is byf43 low turret, Sn. 8644 L with dual Spandau inspection/acceptance stamps.


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Please check out the Handstamp Series, I think it's 3rd HS and not 1st HS.

The byf43 Sn. 20599i /20599l is not a sniper, I just included the K98k in the list to show the cluster.

byf44 High Turret Sn. 49986
byf44 High Turret Sn. 34769b
byf44 High Turret Sn. 29108k Volume II Page 222
byf44 High Turret Sn. 53152k Forum Link
byf43 Low Turret Sn. 4032l
byf43 Low Turret Sn. 8644l
byf43 Low Turret Sn. 20465l
byf43 K98k Sn. 20599l Forum Link
byf44 Low Turret Sn. 27854l Volume II Page 224
byf44 High Turret Sn. 71534l Forum Link

byf44 High Turret Sn. 7417 3rd HS Series
byf44 High Turret Sn. 11067 3rd HS Series
partial correction

7417 is 3rd hand stamped series
11067 is 1st hand stamped series (much earlier gun but without original stock, apparent 43 dated barrel)
Forum member sent me this info that he has.

Type / Rifle Number / Scope Maker, Code, etc. / Scope Serial
LT / 12454k / bmj+ / 68366
LT / 8072k / bmj+ / 68655
LT / 5242 / Norinab Zielvier (Czech) / 8945
LT / 49275 / Zielvier blc / 339046
LT / 24652i / bmj+ / 65982
LT / 14809 / Zielvier / 74695
LT / 42798 / bmj+ / 69878
My High Turret Rifle 1944 BYF 12219A/Optics No Match/No Spandau/Bunny Proof
My Low Turret Rifle 1943 Elm Stock BYF 10433K/Optics No Match/Spandau Stock Side SU2 Grip
My High Turret Rifle 1943 BYF 37075K/Optic No Match/Spandau Stock Side

Here is High Turret Ajack Scope1943 BYF 6964L with Ajack Covers

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I’m beginning to believe that there was much more randomness or lack of sequence in the use of scopes on builds than I had previously thought. I don’t know why that surprised me as we all know many other examples of certain parts for firearms showing up in quantity in production 6 months and more after they were superseded by design changes and absent during that period from other known examples. Scopes not getting used for 4-6 months is not exactly on the same scale but shows this was not unique.
I have in my collection and listed on my scope database of many examples out of sequence. Not just Ajack, but also BMJ and DKL for example sake in this post.