Summary and Conclusion
In posting the above evidence I believe there is no other logical conclusion than that of a fraud that was perpetrated by an individual over many years.
This individual is known to some, and reportedly used phony veterans to sell his fake SS helmets as is known to happen across all genres of Third Reich Militaria (phony vet stories are commonplace in the hobby as we well know).
The methods were to use top condition helmets, in most cases no decal M42s, in many cases M35s that had the original decals removed, paint a pulver base on, and then using a precision made template that can only be used once, spray a decal that was based on and closely resembles an ET decal.
The same individual has made a Pocher decal and I have seen it but I do not have permission to post it. This decal however will not fool the trained eye as it is trying to copy an existing decal. This distinction is important. The reason the Champagne decal flourished is because it was classified, published and legitimized as its own individual unique decal, different than all the rest. The fakes that are out there of this decal are copying published examples of fake decals.
Without their publication, classification and acceptance as a unique decal, one that follows none of the rules that other SS or any period German decal follow, this decal would have been outed a long time ago.
Do I think that proponents of the Champagne decal have participated in a massive fraud. No, I do not.
I believe the community is guilty of abdicating authentication to a sole source, that the community initially accepted them as real, and those that knew more did not speak out to prevent them from becoming legitimized. Those selling them felt they were real as they were published in a book.
This knowledge remained stagnant until now, when data and images kept separate were pooled together and compared as one. At that point it was when I realized what these were and called someone
who had told me for years he knew they were fake, while I was being told that was impossible, they were in a book and authenticated by the top people in the SS helmet collecting genre. When I realized what these were several months ago, I called the person who told me they were fake and I said I know what these are, and it involves spray paint and templates. I was told I was 100% correct and a long phone call ensued. There will be more to come on this "decal" in an upcoming publication.
If you own one I am truly sorry. I am sure there will be arguments on them for years to come but there is nothing to argue about. These do not exist for the multitude of reasons I have posted in this thread tonight.
I have refunded Chris the money for the Bell L which he bought from SS Steel. I however was denied a refund. Perhaps now that I can prove beyond any shadow of a doubt I may be able to collect on the Lifetime Guarantee but I will not hold out hope for that and really it is not going to change my life one iota whether I get my money back or not. I do believe in doing the right thing however.
Others may deny the reality of the situation but they will do so at their own peril and at the risk of their own reputation.
I hope that with this in-depth and non biased analysis you can now make a non-partisan decision on your own. I will not enter into nonsensical "what if" debates. Do your own homework on the subject if you disagree and post your own results in a separate thread. As I was told by many when I broke into the hobby, "The answers are right in front of you, you just need to look". So read, look and learn.
However after 3 years of research and 16 hours solid creating this thread, I rest my case.