Go there to read it. We'll post excerpts. I posted the original concerns about XRFacts and Hicks' endorsement of it at Gunboards, which was subsequently censored by the mod "Vid" to protect Hicks from scrutiny. Seems like DougB's work tied the Champagne Rune Hoax, XRFacts, and Hicks together. There will be censorship at WAF over this discussion and if this is censored again at Gunboards then it is no longer a place of transparency and intellectual honesty.
We of the unwashed outsiders must remember as the drama unfolds: there is more at stake than ego; there are Hicks COAs backing these apparent hoax lids, which were sold from $5000 to $7500. Hicks must either refute the case made by DougB, which looks to me to be a solid courtroom win with a little expert testimony, or he must pay up on his COAs. This is one of the most significant revelations in helmet collecting I've seen, along with Brian Ice's database research. Well done DougB.