Double firing proof reworks


Well-known member
I recently acquired what appears to be a depot rework bcd 42. What made me want it is it appears the rifle was rebarreled and another firing proof added to the receiver. The depot even took it one step further and X’d out the original serial number and stamped the new one. I vaugely remember seeing another rifle with the double firing proofs in the past and after some searching I found it in BBoTW. Interesting enough both appear to be bcd 42s from the i block


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Maybe related to defective barrel blank lots. In 42 there was a period they tried to simplify production so some barrel blank codes were left with no lot numbers. From my understanding this lead to issues as entire serial number ranges of rifles had to be rebarraled when a defective barrel was found in the field. They couldn't pin them down to just one lot range.

I'm assuming somewhere in the i block of bcd42 they got a defective lot from one of the steel barrel blank makers and had some barrels burst. So I'm assuming gustloff may have been the ones to replace the barrels. Or were atleast the ones who accepted them once the barrels were replaced. May explain the double acceptance. As most depots put there acceptances on the stocks.

I am in no way a expert on depots or reworks, very much so still a novice. So this is just my best guess. Killer rifle regardless!
Maybe related to defective barrel blank lots. In 42 there was a period they tried to simplify production so some barrel blank codes were left with no lot numbers. From my understanding this lead to issues as entire serial number ranges of rifles had to be rebarraled when a defective barrel was found in the field. They couldn't pin them down to just one lot range.

I'm assuming somewhere in the i block of bcd42 they got a defective lot from one of the steel barrel blank makers and had some barrels burst. So I'm assuming gustloff may have been the ones to replace the barrels. Or were atleast the ones who accepted them once the barrels were replaced. May explain the double acceptance. As most depots put there acceptances on the stocks.

I am in no way a expert on depots or reworks, very much so still a novice. So this is just my best guess. Killer rifle regardless!

Interesting theory that does seem plausible. The rifle is in transit to my FFL at the moment. Once I have it in hand Ill have a better idea what were working with. The pictures I do have from the seller seem to show it as a depot rework using some salvaged parts. Why It was double proofed is TBD.


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With the rifle in hand finally…It is without a doubt a HNZaThn4 (Thorn) Depot rework as it is marked as such on the wrist of the stock. The entire rifle is composed of salvaged and recycled parts and was HEAVILY reworked. The stock, Bands, Bolt, FP, TG, Follower, rear sight, etc all salvaged from other rifles. Some parts were also mistakenly serialed “3709” instead of “5709”

Cant wait to post good pictures of this one. A perfect example of the lengths the Germans went to, to keep rifles in service.
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Interesting theory that does seem plausible. The rifle is in transit to my FFL at the moment. Once I have it in hand Ill have a better idea what were working with. The pictures I do have from the seller seem to show it as a depot rework using some salvaged parts. Why It was double proofed is TBD.
What a cool rifle! The X'd out serial number on the front band is sweet! Just like my 1899 Spandau.
I have a few with 2 firing proofs - the ones I have (or had) seemed to be no common theme - one had heavily reworked receiver (hammered flat damage for example).