DOT 44 - I think the stock has been cleaned- opinions ?


Senior Member
I have the chance to see this rifle in person, The price is fair if the stock checks out. Its a bolt mismatch but all other parts match according to the seller with an excellent bore.

But it looks to me like the stock has been cleaned with some sort of chemical, maybe denatured alcohol or something similar.

Oh, yeah, notice anything about the sling / bands haha

Opinions ?


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From those photos it’s pretty hard to say. If that was semi local to me, I’d go look in person.
Lighting plays weird games with your eyes in photos. I could see it going either way as far as cleaned, definitely needs closer examination.
Depending on the s/n letter block, chatter marks might also be expected on a later 44 dated dot rifle stock.
Judging by those pictures I would say there is nothing wrong with the stock. A lot of dot stocks in 44 looked like that. If the price was right I would be all over that if I were you.

Sling looks period to rifle but the rear band has been flipped.
I have seen period pics of German soldiers with slings reversed and have
seen numerous rifles with the rear band flipped.

I would be that some of those rifles with the reversed bands cam back that way.

Of course could also have been dumb GI putting rifle back together wrong.