Third Party Press

dot 1944 aw or w suffix?


No War Eagles For You!
Staff member
Bought this from Gunbroker with a buy it now and poor photos. I ask the question is this a "w" block or an "aw" block? I know the answer but I thought some others might like to guess.


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aw. chatter gives it away. no rod either. very late for the double letter suffix and at the end of the serialed bands/FP. interesting screw-up on the barrel SN!
so here's a question -- did they finish out the 2-digit blocks and we just haven't seen ax/ay/az or did they stop at aw?
so here's a question -- did they finish out the 2-digit blocks and we just haven't seen ax/ay/az or did they stop at aw?

I've yet to see a double letter dot 1944 past the "aw" block. Also, at the end of "aw" you start to see some anomalies like unnumbered parts here and there that were previously numbered, or penciled in numbers on handguards and stocks. I suspect this was the changeover to the 5 digit serial numbering, with no ax,ay, or az rifles made.

Bob, the handguard was indeed mismatched, so I put a better matching unnumbered one on there. That's the only hit on it!
I have a bringback dot 44 ar block rifle. It has its original cleaning rod. Did they stop drilling the stock for cleaning rods in the as or at block? The trigger housing is marked byf and is not serialized.
I really love these transitional rifles they have a story to tell -- you can see the rifle evolving before your eyes. this is a beauty.
Bought this from Gunbroker with a buy it now and poor photos. I ask the question is this a "w" block or an "aw" block? I know the answer but I thought some others might like to guess.

Mike I would say that the Buy It Now is Paying some Good Dividends after
seeing how nice it is , It would be Nice to do a side by side with the other that sold
for a bit of a Crazy Price at least in my opinion . Definitely worth the Buy on this one
It has that great looking Wood .Best Regards

sorry late chime in most definatly aw (AW) block the w (W) block rifle would have been serialed on the receiver not the barrel.


Military Rifle Journal