Do you still have your first nice k98?

I have my first German coded matching K98k still. A late byf42 in Walnut. I had sold it and got it back luckily. I see a trend here. Lots sold and got back, or sold and missed. Haha.
Yes. My first matching and first of many kreigsmodells to follow. BNZ 45 T block bought out of the KCN classifieds for $250. I was hooked by that green receiver.
My first matching rifle was a 1938 s/27 I bought in the late 1980's for $350--a top-dollar price for the time, I thought. I still have it.
Do you still have your first nice k98? I most certainly do. I got it in that late 70s when I didn't know much about K98ks except that matching numbers were important. A collecting buddy called me one night and told me of a K98k for sale and that I should check it out. Well, it turned out to be a 1938 S/147 that had never been messed with. It has a couple of bubba marks on the screws and barrel band otherwise it is very clean. It is matching right down to the cleaning rod. It wasn't until a year or so later that I discovered that the markings on the stock disc were Navy property numbers.
My first 98k was a 38 S147 sitting in a Bishop stock, that I replaced with a correct Norge rework stock.
My first matching was a very gritty unfinished bnz45 T block.
Still have both.
All matching byf44 in the k block from 1979 was my first and I still have it.
“mostly matching” bcd 43 g block, bought at local show ~ 18 months ago. beautifully repaired duffle cut, handguard & front metal non-matching, but clearly refinished to some extent. best part was meeting Dave Roberts moments after walking away from seller’s table, Dave told me about the forums, & all downhill since !!
My first K98k was/is a ‘42 Sauer. It is in a very nice flat buttplate Sauer stock, non-matching of course, and correct style but non-matching bands, otherwise the rest of the action to incline bolt matches. Of course that suggests a likely restored sporter. Still, it’s one of my favorites as it is my first as well as being a very nice rifle. Someday I should acquire a more period correct Sauer stock and rehome the action to that.
My first matching no-excuse K98k is a Byf44 k block example and although it’s nice it just doesn’t mean to me as much as that ‘42 Sauer.

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Yes, got it here several years ago from Bob in Ohio...need to get it out.

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Byf 44 mostly matching, no import marks with the right amount of wear. I've only had it 4-6 months but I think it'll be the last gun I sell.
Unfortunately I recently sold it along with a bunch of other things I own to fund a hunting property purchase.

Hated to sell it, as it was a nice rifle from a local collector who has mentored me some. But I have hunted the property for 20 years and it suddenly came up for sale. I couldn’t let it go.

One the deal goes through, I hope in the next year or so to start building my collection back up.
A very nice 44 a block Obie. She's not 100% perfect, but she was my first. Can't remember what i paid for her, but it sure wasn't what they are going for now. I was just a young dumb two-pump chump at that time!! haha.
Still have mine from 2014 my first matching K98k with some neat history. It's a AX41 Luftwaffe contract with a mismatched trigger guard group, and it has battle damage too. Really a neat rifle and one of my favorites too.
Interesting just how many byf44 rifles turned up in this thread. Not so surprising given the huge number of them I suppose.
I still have both my first one and my first really nice one. First one; a BCD 43 bring back that had been sporterized. It was on a table at a show and I hemmed and hawed about it. The seller was local and I ended up calling him a few weeks later, he still had it and I brought it home. First really nice one; also a BCD 43. I was wandering around another show when I saw it, a seemingly really nice example. Our friend CB was there, and I asked him if he had seen it, what he thought about it, the seller etc. CB having nothing negative to say about the piece and and nothing but good things to say about the seller, I brought it home.