Third Party Press

DK store open!!


Junior Member
Web store open!! Yes, it is!! Got some odds and ends for my mp43. Can't wait to order a BD42 or 44!!!
Hey Dingo. I notice a lot of parts are listed 'out of stock'. Do you also plan to import more of them after the rules change? Thanks!
More parts arrived today, some parts that I haven't had before. Some MKB42H and MP43/1 parts to.
Are they importing the rifles??

This will NEVER happen. They seem to be the only group, in the world of guns, that cannot import a sporterized version of anything.

It’s funny how absolutely no other gun company has issues with the ATF. Even HK has been sending pistol versions of their rifles in... and even single-stack rifles. I use them as an example because they are German as well.

Most of us have zero desire to bend flats and use 75 year old parts or pay 10k making one with parts we might be able to get from Germany.

So, yeah, an actual rifle/pistol will never happen.

PTR probably would have kept importing them but we all know what happened there.

I know this supposed process has been going on for many years. I could give you a list of probably 20-30 different guns that have made it here, from all over the world, without any problems, in the exact same time-frame. Has zero to do with politics or the ATF.

Really, the only way to shut me up would be for DK to post their ATF denial letters. All of them. Redact any sensitive info, of course.

Occam’s razor, guys.
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Military Rifle Journal