Dirty or corrosion bore?

A light frostinf makes it harder to clean but like won’t affect groups. I had a RC ax 41 with a bore more frosted than that, it shot an insanely tight groups. If I did my part with the right target I could touch 4 rounds and the 5th one a little off in a 1”1/14 group. It was the best shooting 98 I ever owned.
+1 to it being a pitted bore, but also that the bore is fine for shooting. I wouldn't even worry too much about it making the gun harder to clean as long as you're using modern, non-corrosive ammo. If you've got to get primer salts out of the pits yeah that's a pain in the butt, but with modern commercial and my own hand loads I don't worry about it at all. At the end of the day it doesn't hurt the gun to have a bit of soot hiding in the barrel as long as it's not promoting rust.
Corrosion it's obvious.
I think it will not affect the result on target if you use the right ammo and especially if the muzzle of the barrel is not potato shaped!
Do not try to clean off the pitting. You will damage the crown or the throat of the barrel. Just clean it like you normally would using very wet patches. They will probably never come out clean and white, but that’s life with a pitted barrel.
Clean it with clr let it soak about 15 minutes. Be surprised what comes out.. patch clean with alcohol then run a wet patch of oil after
Had one just like it. Fire lapped it with 3 or 4 boolits, won't get rid of the pits, but will reduce directionally the sharp edges created by the corrosion. Shined it up nice and bright. Before that try slugging the barrel to get size and see if even pressure exists in the push from muzzle to breech (like the Germans used to do).