Did BYF made any SS contract k98s?


So with most of the search I have done it looks like BNZ were the only supplier for the SS contract k98s. I came across this BYf43 with SS markings and the skull. Pictures attached of the rifle not fully disclosing the serial # since it's not mine. Is this an actual SS rifle or a fake?
Any peppering inside the large SS marking? no so i would run quickly out of this.
To nevertheless have the question answered: the SS contract guns are those made by Steyr (therefore bnz code) for the SS. Those sometimes have the single rune, but not all. They theoretically could be hand stamped double code too, but the chances are very little.
Those with the Deaths Head are reworked by the SS from any rifle they got ahold of. They are not "SS contract", but potentially can include byf coded receivers, but those need to be of a very early year date, since when the SS contract rifles (in 1943) began to come up, they must had replaced the DH rifles.
Later on there are the SS repairs with the SSZZA stamps; those also can include byf coded receivers, but they are very little.
Hat jemand ein DH Gewehr mit zum Beispiel byf Code /Umgebaut duch die SS?
Würde mich sehr interessieren!
Hat jemand ein DH Gewehr mit zum Beispiel byf Code /Umgebaut duch die SS?
Würde mich sehr interessieren!
There will never be “conversions” from the SS, but I have a byf43 with SSZZA4 barrel that was replaced by the SS. There may be SS reworks of byf marked rifles using a deaths head barrel inspection - I have yet to see one but is possible, would require some expert authentication.
Hat jemand ein DH Gewehr mit zum Beispiel byf Code /Umgebaut duch die SS?
Würde mich sehr interessieren!
I‘ve seen a byf41 K98k rifle with DH marked replacement barrel and Eagle N proof on right side of the receiver.
Yes, in the town where they count your points ;) . If you are referring to this rifle, it is original. Addition, it is just crazily overpriced IMHO.
Ja, in der Stadt, in der Ihre Punkte gezählt werden ;). Wenn Sie sich auf dieses Gewehr beziehen, es ist original. Außerdem ist es meiner Meinung nach einfach wahnsinnig überteuert.
Ein Schnäppchen war es nicht.....
Aber ich glaube es hat sich gelohnt!
Ich kenne wie gesagt nur dieses und wollte wissen ob noch eins irgendwo versteckt ist!