Third Party Press

Dialytan Scope with markings on objective - pre or post war


Senior Member
I've never seen a Dialytan scope that has its markings on the objective instead of the side of the tube. Would this be pre or post war???

I'm working on building a representative bnz single claw sniper and while looking for the correct bmj Dialytan scope, I was wondering if this would be an ok filler? Wish I could use the Kahles H/4x60 I have that is fully restored but I guess that will be for a different project...



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This is a Pre WWII Scope , but these Scopes were used by SS on Objective Mount Sniper rifles and also SS SSR and SSR rifles . Your Scope would not be correct for a SC Rifle . As to using it that would be your call in the end but its not correct . The other issue maybe the Focal Adjustment may interfere with correct Ring placement and eye relief . You could use a Zeiss Zielvier Scope in case Your not aware this was the other type scope used on the later SC Rifle . Example Pics of Zeiss SC . Best Regards


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I have one on my SC Repro.

Regards, Al


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I have one of the Hensoldt Dialytan scopes like you posted, low 40,000 serial range, I think 1937 production if I recall?

Thanks for all the replies.... I'll keep looking for a bmj or use a Zielvier.

Al, is your set up original?? If not, who did your gunsmithing to mount your SC? Vaughn?? Looks great!!


Hensoldt moved the serial to the rear ocular housing in the 35,000 serial range for the Dialytan series. for Dural Dialytan they never moved to any other location other than under the Saddle on the scope probably due to the Aluminum Scope tube. they also kept the 22mm and Klein scopes on the Tube. they did later move the Ziel Dialyt and Zieljagd scope to the rear ocular housing eventually also just not EVERY model moved he serial to the rear ocular housing.

a scope close to ss-purchased scopes, but still a commercial scope. good basis for a fake still it only needs some engravings. Keep it or give it to someone worth it.

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