I have been unable to afford (well I suppose not willing to fork out what I think is an absurd amount) a matching K98k, and I have been at this for about 6 years now since I first got the bug from a total mismatch yugo with peened dirty birds. I've found that sporters are actually a decent way to collect, and currently I have ten in various stages of restoration while I find matching WaA's (serials are impossible, WaA's not so much). For 250 dollars, I have usually gotten one of three combos: Matching action and bolt with missing front stock hardware, matching action matching bolt mismatched to each other, or all matching stock hardware, action, and all matching bolt that is mismatched to the rifle. a 250 dollar action mated to a 200 dollar stock magically becomes an 800-1000 rifle for some people apparently, because that's what sells at every show I go to or site I go on. For the foreseeable future restorations are the only viable way for new collectors to enter the hobby.