Data on lateral parts support between Mauser manufacturers WW2?

That's a broad subject to cover, but we do cover it by manufacturer and year in volume 1, but only up to 1938. Is there a specific question?
My 1941 Sauer has a stock with W/63 proofs. The stock and bands both have the serial number 7552 stamped on them, however the bands are proofed W/37. Did Borgeswalde provide stocks to Sauer in that time period?

Thanx mrfarb. Chuck.
Well borgiswalde didn't use e/63 anyways.
They e/26.
E/63 was early mauser, then dot/dou

Pics may help. It's possibke the stock is an armourer replacement. Look it over for markings at the wrist. Such as hza4, ku3, etc
CanadianAR, there is a proof low on the front of the wrist, I'll get a pic of it today and post it.

The top figure looks like a 9 with a u on the bottom of the vertical line. The bottom figure looks like a open top 4 with a serif on the bottom and a chevron beneath it.

Thanx, Chuck.


  • CIMG2044.JPG
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Picture added above.

The stock disc has a very small stamp [1/32"] that looks like an mx or mz. The m has the profile of an owl, curved sides.
The buttplate has the proofs GW3 and pa6w [the a could be a small 8].

Thanx again.
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Picture added above.

The stock disc has a very small stamp [1/32"] that looks like an mx or mz. The m has the profile of an owl, curved sides.
The buttplate has the proofs GW3 and pa6w [the a could be a small 8].

Thanx again.

From your description, the buttplate is a replacement part from the depot at Gustrow. The GW3 is the acceptance stamp and under that is H.Za.GW, for Heereszeugamt (army depot) Gustrow. A picture would confirm this. The stock disc sounds like it might be a replacement part also. Take pics of the stamp.

I can't see anything in your one picture of the wrist, but some better pics of the entire stock including all markings would help us identify your stock.