Both ends are threaded, just like the cleaning rods in Hoppe's gun cleaning kits.
Does the tip come off?
Received the rod today, it fits in the hole beneath the bayonet lug and only goes in a TINY bit. Since this is a RC mis-match and it already has the incorrect stock on it because of the cupped butt plate, is it possible a hole was never drilled in the hand guard because they stopped putting them on later in the war to save money and material?No, it's internally threaded.
Thank you for answering me, but at this juncture, I'm just going to say, "it is what it is", an RC and leave it at that. It's not a "collector's piece" but a shooter and I'm not going to worry about some expensive and non-essential cleaning rod. The gun as it is works for me, the stock was beautifully refinished and I just put on a Brass Stacker Mount and a scope.Use a wire coat hanger to check for and dig out obstructions.