Classic has a new run of K98s from a collection - first is a 'matched' '39 bsw

As Ben said when he picked up the ex sniper, "If you're a collector you're just having fits right now." Yeah that 37 BSW with that all original cupped butt plate is giving me fits. Must have been an uber rare prototype butt plate. WOW what a find. :faint:
As Ben said when he picked up the ex sniper, "If you're a collector you're just having fits right now." Yeah that 37 BSW with that all original cupped butt plate is giving me fits. Must have been an uber rare butt plate prototype.

It was hard to make out for sure, but it also had an E/635 stamp on the butt...

Also, despite the stocks being sanded and refinished almost for sure, all the stock markings seemed deep and distinct...

And every one of them was consistent in finish and wear (non-existent), and the metal finish all looked exactly the same....

Notice all had polished takedown discs too....

what a load of crap.
What's YOUR favorite Ben quote?

My favorite "Ben quote" appears 16 minutes on the mark into his selling spiel when he says " I hope I can talk about this next rifle without getting a tremble in my voice".......... :hail:
Now it says they're out of stock already? Maybe he had someone call and buy the whole lot??? :barf:
Watch for them popping up for sale on GB in the next couple of weeks, I bet someone scarfed the lot for asking price, and is thinking they will hit it big selling them piece by piece on GB....
Gotta love this cornball customer comment.

"I love your videos. Even though stuff like that is way out if my price range your enthusiasm for the guns makes me excited and keep watching anyway. Keep up the great work. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEV."

I'm surprised they didn't have ss markings too! Lol:laugh:

That's the next "never to be seen again, or if they are we don't know about them" batch.. That one will also be proud and blessed I'm certain.
I was getting his e-mails awhile back with these promotions, the last one was the pristine 1903's from a private collection!!!! when I saw the re-stamped bolts and his asking price ( turned out they were recent greek DCM rifles)

I said enough and unsubscribed

no more pesky Ben
I still would have liked to "bird-dog" the site to watch them sell in real time. Like rubber necking a traffic accident to see the carnage, while hoping not to.

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I watched long enough to get to the "really nice cartouche stampings" on the stock of the second rifle and that was all I could take.

What is sad is that this guy SOUNDS genuine and puts on a good show of being legit, it's enough to certainly fool novices. That whole table of rifles is one huge hump job. God only knows how many good parts got ruined on that table.

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Whatever you guys do.. DO NOT miss out on the $699 enfields they are posting tomorrow. What a steal of a deal! :facepalm:
I went back and watched some more, only because I HAD to know what might have been ruined/lost in this, <ahem>, "private collection." I think these might have been the first K98s ever humped, these were the primordial hump jobs because they're so BAD. My KID could fake bolt flats and bolt parts better than this and he's SIX.

A couple observations: guys, especially if you're going to be in a video, buy some freaking nail clippers and USE THEM. Well unless you use those nails to scratch faked serial numbers into bolt parts. Still, that's nasty.


Did anyone notice how many flies there were buzzing around in this video? Maybe they smell the rifles and see a potential food source. Eww. I mean he DOES say they have to be refurbished, and he DOES say that all the numbers on them match, he does NOT say how recently that happened though. No import marks eh? So that means (if accurate) that these might have been even more valuable rifles that did not have import marks. ........ or it means that "we don't see any import marks on them" which is equivalent to "we ground OFF the C.A.I. markings during the humping process which is why we don't see them."


Why are none of these left? Dammit. Now I gotta go back to pounding Gunbroker and the Trader here for big dollar NON-humped guns. No war eagles or stock cartouches for me today.

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It was early in the war the Germans didn't care with those pesky French knocking at the door! Oops thats late war logic.

It was early in the war and the Germans were cutting corners too keep up with the demands of the military! Damn't thats not right either again late war logic.

Humm the German workers at that factory had a lazy day on Friday and didn't care and got drunk later at their local bar!

Perfect thats why those rifles look like that! :thumbsup:
I find these videos very educational. For instance I didn't know that byf's typically didn't have a serial on the receiver and that the heavy cupped buttplates were stainless steel. Great stuff.
I'm just curious if these rifles have sold yet not to mention how long they lasted!

They've been listed as 'out of stock' since about an hour and 40 minutes BEFORE the action started and still are. After all his hype and hyperbole IMO someone bought them. I can't believe he'd have pulled them because of questions. He covers his arse really well with exactly what he says or doesn't say in his videos. I don't think he actually believes what he's saying, probably what his lawyer wrote. Who and how exactly they sold has led to some conjecture. But something happened to them.