Can anyone help me with information about this rifle? I have no information about it as I inherited it.
Is it Chinese made? It has backwards swastikas.... It appears to have WWII Mauser parts such as the bands, floor plate, winter trigger guard. A put together piece?
put together piece?
Possible as the germans didnt have used similar rotation of swastika, and not stamped wout the eagle as fireproof, the buttstock could be israeli K98k with metall from CS postwar production.
It’s a bunch of random rifle parts flying in close formation. Someone took some Chinese parts and some postwar Czech parts and then who knows what else and used it to assemble the rifle before you. It could be a shooter, but more pics would be needed before making that ruling. I’m betting it has a massive amount of pitting under the wood line.
Check under the wood line to see how pitted the action and barrel are. It’s usually not a safety issue, but I’m skiddish with Chinese mausers in general. I would also make sure that the headspace checks out, although in all honesty it’s probably okay, Mausers are rarely out of safe in terms of that.
Yes, the rear of the receiver is raised off of the stock. The bottom receiver bolts are tightened all the way. I'm guessing the stock is not cut out exactly like it should be, preventing the receiver from seating correctly.