The crappy thing is that value info is hard to come by. You can kind of manage it with searching recently completed auctions on GB, but that's a rough barometer at best.
I'm a bit in that boat myself at the moment. I need to re-value my collection to update my insurance and god, I bought some of these guns 15 and 20 years ago for way less than they're worth now. What's a russian refurbed SVT-40 worth? How about a bolt carrier m/m G/K43? Or a bolt m/m DOT 43 for that matter? In my head the latter is still a $700 gun, but I know it's worth more than that.
And this is from someone who, while far from an expert, is still more knowledgeable than the average person about military rifles and their values in general.
Heck, I've got some stuff in the parts drawer that I have zero idea how to price out. Unnumbered Steyr K98k armorer's bolt? I posted one a while back and had a ton of PMs offering to buy it, half of them from people I'd never heard of, one of those never-seen posters offering $100 which I'm fairly certain it's worth more than.
That's the other thing: there are a ton of lurkers here who will absolutely send out PMs to people saying they'll take that rifle they posted off their hands for $500, pity the bolt doesn't match but it's not worth any more than that don't you know, really I'm doing you a favor. And then turn around and flip it next week.
The more that I think about it it would be very worth while having a stickied thread with basic pricing info. Here's what an all matching gun in perfect condition is worth. Here's what a bolt m/m is worth. Here's what a bolt m/m with a heavily sanded stock is worth. Here's what a sporterized gun with missing bands but matching action/bolt/magazine is worth. Etc. Rough, round figures to have a resource that people can look at to understand if they're holding a $500 rifle, a $1500 rifle, or a $3000 rifle.
Basically, as much as I don't want to be a free appraisal service for small time flippers the harsh reality is that scammers thrive in low-information enviornments. Think of what resources like this forum did for making even new collectors aware of what the most obvious fake BS looks like, or even that renumbering parts is a thing they should be aware of in general. The people who really benefit from keeping at least rough, basic values secret are the ones who want to prey on the ill-informed.