BYF vs Garand vs Mosin vs Arisakas

jhv 41

Well-known member
Rather long video (skip to 15:40 to see initial BYF grouping). From this point of the video to the end, he is really only focused on the K98k and Garand as the groupings for the others were vastly inferior.

I cringed a lot watching this all matching BYF having extractor problems due to cut down 30.06 reloads.

Overall, the K98k and Garand were the cream of the crop.

If you have the time today with the Holiday, worth a watch.

Watching him cycle the bolt on the K98k made me want to cry. That's why I have a bunch of surplus.
Why would he use mosin and arisaka carbines? Not the best comparisons IMO. I can't speak to carbines but full length 90/30s and T99s have been known to be exceptionally accurate. I believe it's pretty accepted that given a random selection of 2 rifles a PU sniper, although inferior optics, will outshoot a k98 sniper.
He's also shooting the M1 resting on the front hand guard and not the stock.
That's going to have a negative impact on accuracy.
shitty reloads?

I don't think you can look at this as a competition between the rifles presented. This is just a video of a guy playing with his toys. As mentioned up thread why use carbines? and what about his reloads? Not a serious comparison. why use cut down 06 brass for 8mm? Is 8mm that hard to find these days?
Why would he use mosin and arisaka carbines? Not the best comparisons IMO. I can't speak to carbines but full length 90/30s and T99s have been known to be exceptionally accurate. I believe it's pretty accepted that given a random selection of 2 rifles a PU sniper, although inferior optics, will outshoot a k98 sniper.

Good points Rob. I have not had good accuracy from Mosin Carbines nor Japanese Carbines. The standard length rifles vary but can run with the big dogs.
Great points from all - from the initial watching of this video where I feared he was going to rip the bolt/extractor out when he had already deduced his reloads were causing this, you didn't need to wonder much about this.

His explanation for using the shorter calvary carbines in lieu of the longer 90/30 or Arisaka, also didn't add up as they probably were issued in greater numbers to frontline troops. I agree with him if lost, you'd for sure pick up anything including a shorter carbine.

For the sake of that BYF, I hope he never shoots it at a range again or sells it to someone who won't turn it into a mismatch through his bubba reloads.
Thanks for posting it Jhv. Not a fair competition for the reasons stated but my favorite shooter WW2 rifles are the M1 and a tie between the K98k and No.4 at second, with the nod to the K98k because of my familiarity with it. I enjoy shooting my K98k more than an M1.
I just finished sobbing uncontrollably!! While I appreciate the time and effort it takes to make a video I can't stand when people foul it up with stupidity. There is still a ton of military surplus 8mm out there. At the very least he could have picked up some 50's yugo ammo. I am surprised the bolt didn't break. The Jap ammo is a bit harder to find. However there are tons of full length Jap rifles floating around.
I love informational videos, and appreciate the time and purpose of a video such as this; but why would someone take what is admittedly the most valuable rifle that you've got, that would admittedly kill the rifles value, and collectibility by running the risk of shooting reloads through it. And not just any reloads, but shell casings that have been cut from another caliber, and ones that are demonstrating to be causing the rifle problems. I'm not going to claim to be real knowledgeable regarding reloading, but those reloads were most definitely causing problems. I was always taught not to force any thing, something could break. In this case, with a very bad outcome.
Hard to watch.

The rifles in the dirt, insisting on using reloads including brass from other calibers, lack of eye protection (even as he makes jokes about being hit in the head by gas blowback), nomenclature issues...

I think he should have had an Enfield #4 Mk.1 instead of two Arisakas. I don't know why he had either the Mosin or the Japanese carbines versus full length rifles which were more commonly used. Then again, he believes that the Russians won WW2 and that the US just stepped in to get a piece of the spoils. If he wanted it to mean anything he would have been using S&B or Hirtenberger surplus for the 98k, a higher quality surplus round in 7.62x54R, Norma for the Arisakas, and a somewhat recently produced round specifically intended for the Garand.
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7.92 surplus is not hard to find. For want of a $2 pair of ANSI safety glasses you can lose eyesight.
Indeed Hambone eyesight is something you can't replace. I myself have been saved by my eye pro. I have had primers hit my glasses before, hot brass, gas blow back, and an out of battery issue from a new firearm.

That rifle went back too the factory. Sear was bad and the rifle with full auto on me. Not too mention wasn't hand space right.

And surplus 8mm is very common. Or you could buy some new PPU at your local gunshow.
Hard to watch.

The rifles in the dirt, insisting on using reloads including brass from other calibers, lack of eye protection (even as he makes jokes about being hit in the head by gas blowback), nomenclature issues...

I think he should have had an Enfield #4 Mk.1 instead of two Arisakas. I don't know why he had either the Mosin or the Japanese carbines versus full length rifles which were more commonly used. Then again, he believes that the Russians won WW2 and that the US just stepped in to get a piece of the spoils. If he wanted it to mean anything he would have been using S&B or Hirtenberger surplus for the 98k, a higher quality surplus round in 7.62x54R, Norma for the Arisakas, and a somewhat recently produced round specifically intended for the Garand.

I think you summed it up pretty well, that comment about the Russians winning the war and the U.S. Kind of along for the ride soured me right away, not to mention laying all his rifles in the dirt. I don't think I would have posted that video if I made it.