Buchenwald camp money

A warning that is a bit more explicit then the one I gave earlier in this thread:

Most concentrationcamp currency that is sold online comes from the same barn in which that Edelweiß WH toiletpaper was found by Walter K!

I was just about to say don't give him and his promotor any ideas but maybe they don't need any for the next MAX film. timothy
A warning that is a bit more explicit then the one I gave earlier in this thread:

Most concentrationcamp currency that is sold online comes from the same barn in which that Edelweiß WH toiletpaper was found by Walter K!

Must have been on the same printer too haha!
Most concentrationcamp currency that is sold online comes from the same barn in which that Edelweiß WH toiletpaper was found by Walter K!
LOl, jokes aside, though, these fake notes sell like hot cakes in Europe. Even, no, especially the mint ones that look like they just came out of a printer.
Two examples recently listed and sold before you could turn a printer on!

Thing is, if you ever confronted a turd-bag dealer and told him his mint notes were fake, he`d kick and scream they were not, but, that`s all he would have. Kicking and screaming along with bullying and "I have more than 30 years in the hobby" far outweigh engaging brain.
And if you asked him for magnified images of the printing method, he`d find a way to convince you that that was certainly not necessary.