Bolt M/m g43 duv 44


Well-known member
My family friend owns a local gunshop and I finally convinced him to sell me the g43 that's been on the wall for 40 years. The bolt is doesn't March and I forgot to take pictures like a idiot... I was to excited fondeling it. Anyway he is asking 3500 for it. Also doesn't have the sight good or the cleaning rod. I think it could be a Russian capture because the receiver is like punted that typical black and the gas piston has some pencil etch on it. What do you guys think? I won't be able to take pictures because I am working everyday until Thursday.
There's a lot of variables and without pictures it is truly hard to tell for certain. However, given everything you have said, he is asking about 800-1000 too much.
$3500 is too much for a mis-match. If it has been on a wall for 40 years, ask him if he will take less for it.
Way too much for what you describe. Get some pictures if you can but is sounds like if you want a G43 you can find a good one for that amount or less.
Ok thanks guys I wasn't sure What these went for. So I'll just pass on this then. But I'll ask if he will drop the price and when I go back in next week I'll take some pictures
Way to much for a mismatched G-43/K43 rifle. So a mismatched bolt carrier group, sell on gunbroker last month for $1900. Pictures will help alot too. If the rifle has been on the wall for 40 years I would offer $2000 and that's being fair.
Mis-matched bolt, electro penciling sounds east german rebuild to me

need clear pictures of all sides of the receiver
Several G43 parts were electro-penciled by the Natzi factories, including the gas piston.