I do know the owner personally though we are not good close friends we spoke from time to time . In fact the Rifle was listed for sale at Gunbroker a number of Years back , but I am unsure if it sold or not . I tried to contact him an soon as I saw Peter had the Rifle that matched this Scope & Can and got the same results as Peter in trying to reach him , so I am unsure if he still has it or not . But that was best starting point , if he did not still have maybe he could put Peter in contact with new owner if it did sell . The strange thing about the owner of the Scope & Can he had the same situation with His SC Rifle he ended up getting the Matching Scope for his SC but it ultimately cost him 10K . A Similar condition Scope & Rings Plus $5000 USD. The sad part about his plight was the guy that had his Matching Scope & Rings so $$$$$$$$$$$$ signs . I understand wanting to make out good in a deal but IMHO the seller of Scope & Rings Stuck it to the owner of the Rifle . IMO fair would have been Scope & Rings in similar condition and $2500 .
I know of another SC Rifle that is exactly as described above ,One Guy has Rifle other Guy has Scope & Rings and they know each other in fact the Guy that has the Rifle visited the Guy that has the Matching Scope & Rings . Will this be SC and Scope reunited time will only tell . I hope so this is why I do this its about getting the Rifles & Scopes that match each other back together . For me that the most important thing .