bnz single claw

Unfortunately the bolt on his rifle looks humped up, if it ever comes to that don’t accept his rifle in any trade. Does it look like the floor plate is not numbered? That’s wrong too.

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I think that rifle is reblued too, or parts of it at least, hard to tell in that lighting, the cross bolt looks to be blued also which is often a sign of refinishing without specific knowledge of 98k’s. I wonder if the stock is correct, a C stock certainly could be correct on a Steyr but we’d have to see the serial.
Dave supplied me with the name & phone number. I don't know if Dave really knows him. I have never spoken with him so I have no idea if he knows about my rifle unless he heard about through the grapevine. Without having some serious trade bait there isn't much sense in trying to work a deal. Without any trade bait, he will most likely just say, I'll give you a couple of $$$ and we can swap rifles. With Dave's info & the internet, I have a pretty good idea that he lives in Woodford, Virginia.

Attached are a couple of pictures from Dave that show his rifle. As you can see he has a very nice rifle.

I do know the owner personally though we are not good close friends we spoke from time to time . In fact the Rifle was listed for sale at Gunbroker a number of Years back , but I am unsure if it sold or not . I tried to contact him an soon as I saw Peter had the Rifle that matched this Scope & Can and got the same results as Peter in trying to reach him , so I am unsure if he still has it or not . But that was best starting point , if he did not still have maybe he could put Peter in contact with new owner if it did sell . The strange thing about the owner of the Scope & Can he had the same situation with His SC Rifle he ended up getting the Matching Scope for his SC but it ultimately cost him 10K . A Similar condition Scope & Rings Plus $5000 USD. The sad part about his plight was the guy that had his Matching Scope & Rings so $$$$$$$$$$$$ signs . I understand wanting to make out good in a deal but IMHO the seller of Scope & Rings Stuck it to the owner of the Rifle . IMO fair would have been Scope & Rings in similar condition and $2500 .

I know of another SC Rifle that is exactly as described above ,One Guy has Rifle other Guy has Scope & Rings and they know each other in fact the Guy that has the Rifle visited the Guy that has the Matching Scope & Rings . Will this SC and Scope be reunited time will only tell . I hope so , this is why I enjoy doing this its about getting the Rifles & Scopes that match each other back together . For me that the most important thing .
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I do know the owner personally though we are not good close friends we spoke from time to time . In fact the Rifle was listed for sale at Gunbroker a number of Years back , but I am unsure if it sold or not . I tried to contact him an soon as I saw Peter had the Rifle that matched this Scope & Can and got the same results as Peter in trying to reach him , so I am unsure if he still has it or not . But that was best starting point , if he did not still have maybe he could put Peter in contact with new owner if it did sell . The strange thing about the owner of the Scope & Can he had the same situation with His SC Rifle he ended up getting the Matching Scope for his SC but it ultimately cost him 10K . A Similar condition Scope & Rings Plus $5000 USD. The sad part about his plight was the guy that had his Matching Scope & Rings so $$$$$$$$$$$$ signs . I understand wanting to make out good in a deal but IMHO the seller of Scope & Rings Stuck it to the owner of the Rifle . IMO fair would have been Scope & Rings in similar condition and $2500 .

I know of another SC Rifle that is exactly as described above ,One Guy has Rifle other Guy has Scope & Rings and they know each other in fact the Guy that has the Rifle visited the Guy that has the Matching Scope & Rings . Will this be SC and Scope reunited time will only tell . I hope so this is why I do this its about getting the Rifles & Scopes that match each other back together . For me that the most important thing .

Amen to that Dave.
Well, even if it was $ 10,000 for it, I would buy the matching scope for my rifle, especially since it comes with the original scope case too. Imagine how much the complete rifle with matching numbers case would be worth.

Anyway, sad story somehow. But both sides can be understood. Even if it was mismatching, who would part with the scope from his rifle if he was not at least offered another scope in the same condition with the same accessoires? And to find something to put into a trade which is equal is nearly impossible.
Man I wonder what it would have gone for without a cleaned stock??

Imagine the OP rifle with the matching scope which does not have a cleaned stock - AND then would have the matching numbers scope case too. I guess this would then be the best SC rifle out there..
Well, even if it was $ 10,000 for it, I would buy the matching scope for my rifle, especially since it comes with the original scope case too. Imagine how much the complete rifle with matching numbers case would be worth.


The price paid for this Single Claw rifle was $42,000:

This same SC was sold 3 separate times by RIA 1st Sale it went for between 8k & 12k I can not recall exact price , 2nd time 2010 went for 18,400 and You know the last price .