bnz single claw

Peter S

Senior Member
Here are couple of pictures of a single claw that I acquired a few years ago.

I too am in search of a scope with any leads would be greatly appreciated.


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Hello Peter. That looks like a nice rifle. Does the stock match as well? It looks like the correct stock. Thanks for posting.

I still can not get over the fact that the owner of the Matching Scope & Can will not sell to You . You would think reuniting the the 2 would be paramount. That is a really nice SC these are my favorite of all the variations made . :thumbsup: Best Regards .

PS . Sorry Peter I have not found a Set for You yet . I have been on the look out !!!!!
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Great looking Single Claw Peter. Love the stock on that one. I'll keep my eyes out for a scope and rings. They seem rather tough to find. Thanks for sharing.
I still can not get over the fact that the owner of the Matching Scope & Can will not sell to You . You would think reuniting the the 2 would be paramount.
Wait what - there is the matching numbers mount and scope out there and there is no chance of reuniting those two?

Extremely nice rifle, especially the checkering on the buttplate is extremely deep. Can't remember seeing one which would had been sharper!

Edit: is the locking part of the rear scope base serialized too? If yes, on top or on bottom?
The locking bar on the rear base is numbered on the top surface.

As far as the matching scope & can are concerned, yes they exist. This is a two fold problem. Dave was able to give me the name and phone number of the owner. I tried calling him several times to no avail. It appears that he doesn't answer the phone if he does not recognize the caller's number and his voicemail is full so there is no way to leave a message. I could always write him a letter and send it snail mail. The second and much bigger problem is that he has a very nice rifle where this scope now lives. So unless I have at least a real nice scope with mounts and a big pile of $$$$ to trade, I do not see him breaking up his complete rig.

Here are a couple of pics of the matching scope & can.


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I’m going to have a coronary if that scope and can aren’t reunited with that rifle. lol.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There should be a law that matching pieces have to be reunited! This is a tough situation and I wish you the best reuniting the pieces. Were they sold at same auction separately?
Silly Question

Just one question: if I had the matching scope of a k98 sniper, why should I have to sell it to the guy who has the k98 ? Why does the guy who own the k98 would not sell it to the guy who has the matching scope. ?
Just a thought.....
Best regards
Just one question: if I had the matching scope of a k98 sniper, why should I have to sell it to the guy who has the k98 ? Why does the guy who own the k98 would not sell it to the guy who has the matching scope. ?
Just a thought.....
Best regards

Why? Because in my opinion (and many others) the rifle is the major component, not the scope. If I had a bolt mismatch 98k and you had the matching bolt, who should sell, the person with the rifle? Same situation IMO. But, your questions gives some insight into the selfishness of many people (not saying this is you, just an observation) who don't care about that, and they only want the matching set for themselves and don't care that the other person has the major component. If you had a scope/can that was mismatched to your rifle, why not trade for a similar condition scope/can? Because you wouldn't be the winner, and some people can't stand not being "the winner" in a deal. Those people usually struggle through collecting without many friends as their selfishness doesn't allow them to make real collecting friends, only buying and selling connections (even though people with this attitude usually only buy with very little selling). It's a real problem that exposes people in collecting.
The locking bar on the rear base is numbered on the top surface.

As far as the matching scope & can are concerned, yes they exist. This is a two fold problem. Dave was able to give me the name and phone number of the owner. I tried calling him several times to no avail. It appears that he doesn't answer the phone if he does not recognize the caller's number and his voicemail is full so there is no way to leave a message. I could always write him a letter and send it snail mail. The second and much bigger problem is that he has a very nice rifle where this scope now lives. So unless I have at least a real nice scope with mounts and a big pile of $$$$ to trade, I do not see him breaking up his complete rig.

Here are a couple of pics of the matching scope & can.

Does the owner know you have the matching base rifle? I'd do anything I could, short of knocking on his door to update him on the situation. Do you have any collector friends in common, is Dave your only link? Even if you spent double it's value in trade bait, you would still be ahead once that scope rig was mated with your rifle. I'm guessing by Farb's comments, this new owner might not be in the trading mood.
Scopes collector

The problem is not, from my point of view, to be the winner or the looser of a deal.
I was ( I am not anymore) a scope collector so I do not care anymore.
I can tell you that if there are so many k98 variations ( you did a wonderfull job about that) there are also so many variations of german scopes that it is also a huge work to find and to collect them.
German scopes production was not mass production as russian scopes were for example.
What I mean is that someone wanted a deal with a scope I owned, I would have say yes only if the scope was in the same condition, from the same manufacturer and in the same serial range.... too many variations with german scopes as for k98.
Interesting discussion.
Best regards
The problem is not, from my point of view, to be the winner or the looser of a deal.
I was ( I am not anymore) a scope collector so I do not care anymore.
I can tell you that if there are so many k98 variations ( you did a wonderfull job about that) there are also so many variations of german scopes that it is also a huge work to find and to collect them.
German scopes production was not mass production as russian scopes were for example.
What I mean is that someone wanted a deal with a scope I owned, I would have say yes only if the scope was in the same condition, from the same manufacturer and in the same serial range.... too many variations with german scopes as for k98.
Interesting discussion.
Best regards

I see. Yes, I would expect the trade to be equitable for sure. This isn’t a rare scope configuration though.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This is amazing community, imagine without it these forums would never have had a chance to be reunited.
How do you know he has a rifle where this scope sits on? And had you ever tried to find out whether the matching numbers mount to his rifle is still out there? Would make two winners ..

Possibly you can tell the guys here where the owner is located, like the town. Maybe someone lives closeby and could knock his door?
Dave supplied me with the name & phone number. I don't know if Dave really knows him. I have never spoken with him so I have no idea if he knows about my rifle unless he heard about through the grapevine. Without having some serious trade bait there isn't much sense in trying to work a deal. Without any trade bait, he will most likely just say, I'll give you a couple of $$$ and we can swap rifles. With Dave's info & the internet, I have a pretty good idea that he lives in Woodford, Virginia.

Attached are a couple of pictures from Dave that show his rifle. As you can see he has a very nice rifle.


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There should be a law that matching pieces have to be reunited! This is a tough situation and I wish you the best reuniting the pieces. Were they sold at same auction separately?

The rifle was a vet (estate) buy in upstate New York. I have no idea where the scope surfaced. If I were to guess, I would say that the vet that had the complete set (rifle, scope, can) passed away and that the scope/can & rifle were not stored in the same location. When things were sold off, the seller did not know they belonged together.