Senior Member
Just picked this up today, sold from another member here. Coincidentally, my copy of Kriegsmodell arrived today as well, which is excellent may I add! This is my first Kriegsmodell.
S block BNZ, 45 production. Extremely crude, machine marks are rough. It is a duffle cut rifle, under the rear band as is the popular location for the cut. There’s a little bit of un-cleaned, sharp residual thread where the barrel threads into the receiver, I pictured it below. Also of note, no abdeckblech (nose cap) installed on the stock. Hole drilled though, could have went missing or was never installed.
An interesting piece in any case, I hope you guys can forgive my very poor photography skills. If it seems a little shiny, the metal just got a light coat of ballistol.

S block BNZ, 45 production. Extremely crude, machine marks are rough. It is a duffle cut rifle, under the rear band as is the popular location for the cut. There’s a little bit of un-cleaned, sharp residual thread where the barrel threads into the receiver, I pictured it below. Also of note, no abdeckblech (nose cap) installed on the stock. Hole drilled though, could have went missing or was never installed.
An interesting piece in any case, I hope you guys can forgive my very poor photography skills. If it seems a little shiny, the metal just got a light coat of ballistol.

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