BNZ 45 7949S Walnut

Heartwood, sapwood, scrub walnut (huh?).... So the center of the tree once was sapwood when the tree was younger. As the tree ages, waste products from metabolism get moved into the center of the tree, often with a characteristic color change (but not always).

The outer portion of a trees bole is younger wood, sapwood, but over time that will also become heartwood as wood is added. The outer most layer of wood made in 2019, has more wood laid down over that '19 layer in 2020. Think of a stack of ice-cream cones and each cone represents a year of wood production.

Density of sapwood?....Apparently, sapwood can be slightly less dense when compared to heartwood, and therefore 5-15% lighter by weight.

Intrinsic strength of sap v. heartwood.... generally no difference... shown after ~500,000 tests... it's a myth that sapwood is mechanically weaker
..The desperation of the Third Reich’s situation is clearly visible in these rough, late guns. It’s just personal preference, I really like these late rough Steyr guns.

Yeah me too. 10-15 years ago I didn't know about these and how they came to be so crude and unfinished. I started off with early, highly refined and highly marked guns particularly Erma but have recently shifted to late Steyr for the same reason. Some real compelling stories in these.