I don't understand why it is so difficult to get a simple question answered. I didn't ask for many of the responses that have been provided.
The Real Life Scenarios:I did ask for free advice and I thank those that offered it. I think my response should be understandable. I don't think this is reflective of a shitty attitude.
I asked for a value based on a description provided and also stated that pictures are not available. I saw the item and evaluated it in hand. I am not one who takes pictures of items I look at unless I have questions about the originality.
I do know that I didn't ask if I know what I am doing or if I am going to get screwed. The item was not being offered by me, so it really isn't anyone's concern.
It is like a needed to justify and qualify to get an answer. I don't think this us how it should be. If someone asks me a question, I give an appropriate answer. I don't ask them to jump through hoops before responding.
Thank you again for those that were of help to answering my question.
Are the cockroaches done projecting?
I think the only A hole here is you, and a big one at that. I suspect you really don't contribute much on this forum that is positive. Just a big mouth.Definitely...rest my case, attitude screams A-hole.
Just show us the pics.I think the only A hole here is you, and a big one at that. I suspect you really don't contribute much on this forum that is positive. Just a big mouth.
Sir, I have collected for going on 50 years now.
I own over 250 WW2 German rifles.
There are more humped up pieces for sale than ever before.
To ask for advice without photos is like screwing a diseased whore without a condom.
To even attempt to provide you with a definitive answer is impossible.
For you to get a case of the a$$ over people trying to help you not get fu*ked over, means you are acting like a child.
No one here wants you to get screwed.
Why can't you accept that simple fact ??????
Instead of showing your a$$, why not LISTEN to some sage advice from folks who know what they are talking about ?????
Now if you are too damned stupid to understand that folks are trying to help you, then buy the damed gun and, if it's good, GREAT.
But if it isn't ,and you bought it anyway, then go sit in a corner, and bitch about how you got fu*ked, because you refused offers of real help.....
This is what I don't understand. There's got to be something going on.Finally, not being able to provide pics is just such a red flag. Like why not? Is the seller try to a pull a fast one? Are they a paranoid idiot? Was the rifle promised to someone else and they don’t want them to know they are selling it under their nose?
I was thinking along the same lines, several troll-posts recently. Sumbubby either desperately lonely or showing signs of dementia…………Dollar says it's shooter ike