bnz 4

Because no one wants to say it's a $3k rifle based on a shitty description, then you buy it, and determine it's humped and not worth anywhere near $3k...

But don't worry, with that attitude, you likely won't get many responses in the future...
You’ve asked for free advice, & have received same. I thought the ranges given in post #9 answered your question quite succinctly. Beside that, it’s summer, many folks are probably enjoying the outdoors!
I did ask for free advice and I thank those that offered it. I think my response should be understandable. I don't think this is reflective of a shitty attitude.
I asked for a value based on a description provided and also stated that pictures are not available. I saw the item and evaluated it in hand. I am not one who takes pictures of items I look at unless I have questions about the originality.
I do know that I didn't ask if I know what I am doing or if I am going to get screwed. The item was not being offered by me, so it really isn't anyone's concern.
It is like a needed to justify and qualify to get an answer. I don't think this us how it should be. If someone asks me a question, I give an appropriate answer. I don't ask them to jump through hoops before responding.
Thank you again for those that were of help to answering my question.
I did ask for free advice and I thank those that offered it. I think my response should be understandable. I don't think this is reflective of a shitty attitude.
I asked for a value based on a description provided and also stated that pictures are not available. I saw the item and evaluated it in hand. I am not one who takes pictures of items I look at unless I have questions about the originality.
I do know that I didn't ask if I know what I am doing or if I am going to get screwed. The item was not being offered by me, so it really isn't anyone's concern.
It is like a needed to justify and qualify to get an answer. I don't think this us how it should be. If someone asks me a question, I give an appropriate answer. I don't ask them to jump through hoops before responding.
Thank you again for those that were of help to answering my question.
The Real Life Scenarios:

Maybe it’s Hot, as in a Stolen Item from Midnight Parts Supply down by the river? Maybe not?

Or, maybe you’re the Seller, and worried if you post pics and it has issues you will be stuck with it?

Now if you’re the Buyer:
You have absolutely nothing to lose by posting it.
What if you pay top dollar for it and then find out after it’s a hump job?
Don’t let your ego get in the way, it might save you a lot of bucks.
Many people get fooled and then have buyer’s remorse!
It’s ok to ask questions if you’re not sure as you will get the best, honest advice here on this forum. Always Post pics before you buy.
Are you allowed a 3 day inspection with return and refund on the purchase?
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I'll take a crack at this...yes, reading through your responses, it is reflective of a shitty attitude.

You are like a complete unknown wandering into an ODA Team room, asking an open-ended question of team members who have no idea of who you are or what you know. Maybe you're a seasoned 18C, with schools and training out the ying yang,, but you may also be some Spec 4 92G wannabe...guys here have no clue. And you won't really get too far by giving attitude to the team guys, especially when they nicely ask for more details before giving their opinion.

You know how many faked/fraud/humped 98k's get posted here? So no one really wants to jump in on some vague description by some guy asking for value. You are on the site owned and run by the guys who literally wrote the books on 98k's, and collectors with literally hundreds of aggregate years of experience in the 98k world. Fakes are very good out you know which fonts are correct for which guns, which WaA's match up the a specific year and manufacturer to make sure those details are correct, and you're not looking at a good hump job?

Honestly, you come off as a smart a$$ know it all. You may be the greatest guy in the world, and really do know something about 98k's, but your attitude screams A-hole...just my opinion. which doesn't mean anything. Other guys will draw their own opinions...
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Are the cockroaches done projecting?

Ultimately its just that this forum doesn’t act to kindly to those sorts of drive by questions. And when there are no pics involved it’s almost a moot point.

Valuations are hard to give. Especially when considering the K98k. Which are much more
complicated to evaluate when compared with most other ‘milsurps’.

There is also usually quite a range. Like I’d say a nice bnz.4 is a $2k - $3k. But that in itself is quite a range. And there are just so many factors in determining that.

Finally, not being able to provide pics is just such a red flag 🚩. Like why not? Is the seller try to a pull a fast one? Are they a paranoid idiot? Was the rifle promised to someone else and they don’t want them to know they are selling it under their nose?

If someone wants a good discussion here then they need to provide good information.
I think the only A hole here is you, and a big one at that. I suspect you really don't contribute much on this forum that is positive. Just a big mouth.
Just show us the pics.
We don’t want to see you get taken to the cleaners.
What is the big deal anyway?
Sir, I have collected for going on 50 years now.

I own over 250 WW2 German rifles.

There are more humped up pieces for sale than ever before.

To ask for advice without photos is like screwing a diseased whore without a condom.

To even attempt to provide you with a definitive answer is impossible.

For you to get a case of the a$$ over people trying to help you not get fu*ked over, means you are acting like a child.

No one here wants you to get screwed.

Why can't you accept that simple fact ??????

Instead of showing your a$$, why not LISTEN to some sage advice from folks who know what they are talking about ?????

Now if you are too damned stupid to understand that folks are trying to help you, then buy the damed gun and, if it's good, GREAT.

But if it isn't ,and you bought it anyway, then go sit in a corner, and bitch about how you got fu*ked, because you refused offers of real help.....
I am impressed by how much patience all the senior members here have 😅. Kudos to you all.
Sir, I have collected for going on 50 years now.

I own over 250 WW2 German rifles.

There are more humped up pieces for sale than ever before.

To ask for advice without photos is like screwing a diseased whore without a condom.

To even attempt to provide you with a definitive answer is impossible.

For you to get a case of the a$$ over people trying to help you not get fu*ked over, means you are acting like a child.

No one here wants you to get screwed.

Why can't you accept that simple fact ??????

Instead of showing your a$$, why not LISTEN to some sage advice from folks who know what they are talking about ?????

Now if you are too damned stupid to understand that folks are trying to help you, then buy the damed gun and, if it's good, GREAT.

But if it isn't ,and you bought it anyway, then go sit in a corner, and bitch about how you got fu*ked, because you refused offers of real help.....
We offer a free space to speak here - lots of people in the world have different attitudes and demeanors, let your freak fly I guess and show the world your true self. I think both guys are acting immature but hey, freedom man.
Finally, not being able to provide pics is just such a red flag 🚩. Like why not? Is the seller try to a pull a fast one? Are they a paranoid idiot? Was the rifle promised to someone else and they don’t want them to know they are selling it under their nose?
This is what I don't understand. There's got to be something going on.

As far as the OP goes, who knows. Maybe he's a K98 savant and knows a lot. I can say we get guns posted here on the regular that have bad parts that are being represented as genuine and original when they're obviously not. Some are very easy to spot and some quite difficult. Even experienced guys have been fooled.
May I suggest you ask the seller to allow you to take photos saying verifying it as original would increase your offering price substantially.
If the person refuses to allow photos my advice is do not buy this K98k.
There can not be any good reason to not allow you to take photos. At least not any that benefit you.
His refusal is all the evidence you need to offer $600.00 but if you say let me take photos and that price could be much higher, well you get the point.
I would personally listen to the advice from the experienced collectors here (Please note I am not qualified to give advice on what is or is not correct but many here are)
Well, I simply do not understand the gentleman, who demands the impossible but , as I discovered many years ago , ignorance can be corrected, stupid is terminal......