BLM G41 e block

Very nice to see older thread revived with new info.. One thing worth tracking is trends. This being an early e block its probably safe to save rails were omitted somewhere in the e block due to the scope platform wasnt worth the extra effort.
Noted Claus Espeholt has the scope rail logged in his list for G.41 serials too. The highest serial with scope rail Claus has logged is 2298e. On the contrary, the lowest serial without rail he has logged is 1064e. So somewhere between serial 1000e and 2500e is the serial range in which one can find both.
Thanks @Jdt for reminding me of this thread. This G.41(W) duv43 serial 860e was in an online auction that recently ended - at amazing € 12.750, despite the (IMHO) sanded stock (.. and blued buttplate).

(Auction will be visible for 90 days after end)
Not a problem! :) I hope to snag a G41 walther rifle one day, maybe even a push button one. That would sweet! Just need to save for 6 months straights 🤣
Not a problem! :) I hope to snag a G41 walther rifle one day, maybe even a push button one. That would sweet! Just need to save for 6 months straights 🤣
No joke, this is how I afford nice stuff.

I put aside a couple hundred every month into a separate account for the collection, and anything I sell goes in there too to keep it separate from the household finances. Do that for a year and hey you're sitting on a nice little pile to add something nice. (ammo, reloading dies, etc also come out of there so it's not just for new acquisitions)
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No joke, this is how I afford nice stuff.

I put aside a couple hundred every month into a separate account for the collection, and anything I sell goes in there too to keep it separate from the household finances. Do that for a year and hey you're sitting on a nice little pile to add something nice. (ammo, reloading dies, etc also come out of there so it's not just for new acquisitions)
Very nice and a excellent idea to boot. When I don't buy anything my available funds sky rocket cause I live pretty cheap. 54 hours a week minimum and usually more also helps ☠️