Senior Member
Something I've been wondering... I'm not a Luger expert by any means and maybe I'm missing something, but why do "Black Widow" Lugers sell for so much more than non-black widows even though it's well known in the collecting community that the term was made up by an importer years ago? Anyone can take a byf 41 or 42, put on black unnumbered grips, a black bottom fxo magazine and its a "Black Widow". I can see them selling for a lot a long time ago before people really knew any better, but it's 2022... what gives? This question arises after seeing a byf 42 Black Widow sell for $5K on Simpson Ltd.
So, I guess I take my matching byf 41 that I paid $1500 for about 4 years ago, swap out a couple of items and sell it for double to tripple what I paid?
So, I guess I take my matching byf 41 that I paid $1500 for about 4 years ago, swap out a couple of items and sell it for double to tripple what I paid?