Hi Rick, I think it’s probable that there wasn’t a lot of cycling magazines. Good chance these extended magazine rifles were assigned to positions rather than soldiers. For example, you often see photos of sentries with these, they probably just handed off the gun to the next guy on duty.
What’s interesting is I have a few guns that are totally matching less the floorplate and follower, I imagine those were rifles fitted with extended magazines. This mag is currently on my 1900 Danzig which is one of the guns I’m referring to.
What’s interesting is I have a few guns that are totally matching less the floorplate and follower, I imagine those were rifles fitted with extended magazines...
This was the case with my own Gew98-ala-trenchgewehr. Bought the rifle as pictured minus the upper half of the trench cover (clip was on the rifle). The original follower/spring/floorplate must have been absent as well, because all had been replaced with new "Santa Barbara" M98 commercial components. Later had two or three trench mags pass thru my hands and kept the B|N example. A original dust cover came my way as well in commensurate condition to complete the rig. Always wondered what caused that impression on the left side of the stock... it strangely has a close resemblance to the butt end of the dust cover. However, on the opposite side there is a deep, round ball-like impression with cross-checkering impressed into the wood as well. Possibly the rifle was retained in some sort of fixture at one time (grenade launcher?).