Third Party Press



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Gents and Distinguished Colleagues:

Just over a decade a go I wrote a couple chapters regarding certain aspects of collecting the S84/98. One chapter concerned the S84/98 as manufactured primarily during the Third Reich. I changed the format, updated the chapter on bayonets, and now present it to the Forum. Per member feedback I have revised the Essay again, and included photos as well. Because photos don't always appear in the order they were downloaded, I will note the unique file number(s) whenever I make reference to a associated bayonet variation or group. File name should appear when you drag your cursor over each photo. Although not a official German designation, I may refer to these as "S84/98 T-IIIs"...if only to separate them from similar patterns produced before the Third Reich period.




In previous chapters attention has centered around S84/98 T-III bayonets made under contract for the German military forces. Yet within Germany there were numerous para-military organizations needing bayonets as well. A demand also existed for bayonets by foreign customers who had either purchased rifles directly from Germany, or been supplied with them in the form of military aid. Several Solingen firms were aware of this need, and produced bayonets for these markets...some beginning in the 1920s. They are now referred to by collectors as a "Behoerden" (relating to administrative and other organizations within Germany) and/or "Export" bayonets. Patterns primarily based on the S84/98 T-III will be the central focus of this chapter and for brevity will be referred to as B/E (Behoerden/Export) bayonets.


Identification of B/E S84/98 T-IIIs can be rather confusing to collectors. As a general rule, they tend to share or have some of the following characteristics:

Bayonets may bear a manufacturer’s name or “commercial” derivative.

There may be no manufacturer markings at all.

German Waffenamt acceptance markings will usually be absent.

Bayonet and/or scabbard may not be numbered but if so, will be outside the normal military contract serial numbering scheme.

May bear markings from the organization whom purchased the bayonets, such as Poliezi acceptance stamp, Reich Post property or Reich Bahn Dienst issue markings, etc.

There are no absolutes, however. On occasion military contract components or completed bayonets were taken from the assembly line to fulfill a B/E contract when production allowed. The same holds true for B/E designated components utilized to meet military contract quotas. Sometimes military contract bayonets were diverted to another organization when the need arose. In recent years, research has helped to identify some firms which might have produced the numerous unattributed S84/98 T-IIIs, and new data is continuing to be reported. Of the B/E S84/98 T-IIIs, most were produced by the largest Solingen firms. This makes sense, because they had the production capability, were well known and established businesses, and could attract potential customers. Most had been involved in manufacturing bayonets, for either the German military forces and/or export, for decades. They were also prime producers for many other sidearms, such as swords, daggers, and extraseitengewehre.


This chapter is divided into three parts for clarity. Section I will cover B/H S84/98 T-IIIs produced by known manufacturers. Section II will deal with bayonets which do not bear any manufacturer’s identification markings. Both will discuss B/H variants utilized by the German armed forces. The third and final section will concern itself with bayonets made or designated specifically for export.



The Coppel firm was another major manufacturer of the S84/98 T-III, producing bayonets, knives, and other sidearms for both the German military and commercial markets. Their first military contract bayonets were made bearing the number code “S/173”. Sometime in the mid-1930s Coppel also began to manufacture a B/E S84/98 T-III. Typically these bayonets have no military acceptance markings, and are found with the Coppel commercial logo stamped on the ricasso. This consists of what looks like a set of scales, with the firm’s initials of “A”, “C”, & “S” (Alex Coppel Solingen) found to the left, right, and underside of the scales respectively. This marking was used until early 1941, when German authorities reorganized the Company, now calling itself the Alcoso-Werke Solingen. The same scales trademark continued to be utilized, but now with the letters “AWS” replacing the earlier “ACS” (AWS). The final marking variation was introduced sometime in late 1943 or early 1944. It is composed of a smaller set of scales with the firm name “Alcoso” in script to the right of the scales, and surmounting the district name of “SOLINGEN” (AWS Sol Sur).

Early Alex Coppel commercial S84/98 T-IIIs are finished in a satin rust-blue finish and have wooden grip panels. By the later 1930s the finish has changed to a deep, hi-polish blue and most bayonets will be found with black phenolic resin grips. As production entered the 1940s, both polish & finish began to degenerate. Most bayonets with the second and third variation markings will have red phenolic wood fiber impregnated grips. Plain wood grips may be found; primarily on bayonets with the third variation marking. The scabbard treatment changes to a dull, “matte-blue” finish as well. Coppel commercial S84/98 T-IIIs made prior to 1941 are seldom found without one of several German Police acceptance markings stamped on the blade spine. The earlier markings may consist of a “*F” (starburst F), “*S” (starburst S), or other Police acceptance of the period (ACSSRB1a & AsCsRb1b). These markings were soon replaced with one of two styles of eagle and the letter “B” or “D”, stamped in the same location (ACSHiPol2a & 2b, ACS3a & b). After 1941 the majority of bayonets will have the manufacturer’s logo as the only marking evident.. Occasionally a serial number on the bayonet, or matching serial numbers on both bayonet and scabbard may be encountered throughout production, which likely terminated in late 1944.


Quite possibly the largest and most prolific manufacturer of bayonets and other sidearms was the firm of Carl Eickhorn. By the mid-1930s, usage of their former S-code “S/172” ceased, and was replaced with the firm's name. One would expect to encounter numerous examples of Eickhorn manufactured commercial S84/98 T-IIIs, yet attributed specimens are quite uncommon. One of the earliest examples is marked “CARL EICKHORN” above the district “SOLINGEN”. It has a four digit serial number stamped on the crossguard, and is “*K” (starburst K) Police accepted on the spine. The “SOLINGEN” surcharge was a feature several S84/98 manufacturers initially incorporated with their firm names shortly after the changeover from the S-Codes. This was dropped soon thereafter by all except the Paul Weyersberg concern, who continued it’s use on their commercial S84/98 T-IIIs only.

What has been observed are several “CARL EICKHORN” S84/98 T-IIIs which have had the name partially ground away prior to bluing, and do not bear any waffenamt acceptance markings. One example was found with a leather "blade stopper" and has "EX 1498" crudely stamped into the left side of the hilt. The scabbard is unattributed. Both blade stopper and similar markings have been observed on Spanish issued bayonets. The bayonet otherwise shows no evidence of refurbishment (CE1Ric & Pom). These bayonets may have started out to be military contract pieces but were diverted to commercial production, where an attempt to obliterate the manufacturer’s identity was performed. This may be an indication Eickhorn was one of the firms behind the production of unattributed S84/98 T-III commercials, and why so few marked examples are known by them. Section II will follow up on this in more detail. Finish on Eickhorn commercial S84/98 T-IIIs paralleled their military contract counterparts.


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SECTION 1 (cont.):


During the early 1930s, the firm of EuF Horster was among the first to secure contracts under the German rearmament program. Bayonets bearing their military S-Code identity marking, “S/155”, are well known . Horster utilized their trademark, known as the “Sword-H” to collectors, on B/K S84/98 T-IIIs and other sidearms produced by them. There are two distinct variations of this marking; one smaller & less detailed than the other, and it is believed the smaller was used first.

The earliest S84/98 T-IIIs, bearing the (smaller) marking, were delivered to the Kriegsmarine. I observed a scabbard marked with the small "Sword-H" and a KM property number of "O.440". Although the vast majority of bayonets that went to the German Navy were from overall military production for the OKH, these ”Sword-H” pieces were likely contracted for directly by the Kriegsmarine. Prior to this the Navy had received small numbers of new S84/98s from Weyersburg u. Kirschbaum (WuK) , which they may have contracted for as well. It is believed the “Sword-H” bayonets were delivered prior to the issuance of Horster’s S-Code, and why they bear a commercial trademark rather than numeric code. Thus we have a military-destined/accepted, but “commercially marked” bayonet.

The KM contract are not the only “Sword-H” marked variants. Examples stamped with the addition of a “HL” are known (believed to be associated with the German Reich Bahn). Others have only the Horster commercial logo. Often there will be a large serial number added to both bayonet ricasso & (normally unattributed) scabbard. The number is typically stamped across the Horster logo as well. Since bayonets are found with this number matched to their scabbards, the surmise is this was factory-done. Bayonets are both finished “in-the-white” and rust blued. Some appear to have been issued initially with the former finish and subsequently blued. All original bayonets have wooden grip panels. Examples may also bear early WaA acceptance markings on some components or scabbard. However, they lack the dual final acceptance stamps of military contract produced bayonets, found on the left side of the hilt just below the pommel.

One example which exhibits these characteristics is in the author's collection. The bayonet is finished "in-the-white". The only external markings on the bayonet are a large number "30" stamped on the right side of the ricasso, slightly eclipsing the "Dagger-H" stamped below it. On the lower, backside of the crossguard, is found a "stick-eagle | 68" WaA. The scabbard is blued and bears a "stick-eagle | 49" on the finial. It is also matching serial# "30" and on the reverse side stamped "S/155K". So, as one can see, this bayonet was assembled with some previously proofed, military marked components as well. Most of the scabbards for this variation are unattributed (EuFHD1a & 1b, EuFHD2).

A sidebar to the crossguard is many are found to be particularly heavy, thick, and have a much wider, deeper muzzle ring contour than military contract examples. Horster had been a manufacturer of the S98/05 during the First World War. Thus many of their bayonets produced afterwards were based on that tang configuration, but with more modern blade dimensions and improvements. Since the majority of Mauser98 based bayonets destined for export incorporated muzzlerings, these components would not have gone to waste when Horster began manufacture of the S84/98 pattern bayonets. The muzzlerings found on these early Horster examples have every appearance of having had a muzzlering professionally removed before the crossguard was assembled onto the tang. More on this in SECTION III.

By 1937, use of Horster’s S-Code, along with the “Sword-H” commercial logo, was terminated. Both military & commercial contract bayonets now exhibit the firm’s name “EuF Horster” on the ricasso. Although all Horster marked commercials are scarce, the named variant is particularly so. One known, bona-fide example was issued by the SS . It has no Heer Waffenamt acceptance markings nor serial numbers, and is SS accepted below the pommel grip with a “totenkopf-SS-2”. Other B/K, SS accepted S84/98 T-III are known from another manufacturer. The SS, responsible for procurement of their own supplies, undoubtedly let at least two small contracts for new S84/98 T-IIIs. Because of this, the bayonets were not assembled under Heer auspices, but supplied from the B/K production line. Some Police-accepted examples are also known from around 1940.

By the start of the Second World War, EuF Horster commercial S84/98 T-III manufacture appears to have ceased. This may be due to two possibilities. One is their military contract obligation utilized all available resources. The other is, they may have continued to produce B/K bayonets, but examples devoid of any external manufacturer markings. There is credence to the latter which will be discussed further in Section II.


This firm was one of the smaller manufacturers producing the S84/98 T-III, yet they did offer a commercial variant during the latter 1930s. When changing from their assigned S-code of “S/241”, they then used the firm name of “CLEMEN u. JUNG”. For some reason, the marking applied to the scabbard will be found marked “CLEMEN & JUNG”. Most of these bayonets will be finished in a dull, satin rust blue and have wooden grip panels (Clemen U Junge). I am unaware of any bearing black phenolic resin grips. No examples have been reported with any acceptance or other markings indicating who may have acquired these bayonets. It appears they were no longer offered by 1941, since examples indicating manufacture beyond that time are not known. They may also have been a manufacturer of the unattributed, "Narrow-Blade" S84/98s, which is covered in Section II.


Another large and well known Solingen concern, was WKC. When usage of their assigned S-Code, “S/174” terminated by 1937, they then marked their S84/98 T-IIIs with the letters “WKC”; both military contract & B/K. By 1941 the military contract identity marking was changed to their assigned alpha-code “cvl”, but commercial bayonets continued to use “WKC” until the war ended. It is not known when WKC began to manufacture B/K S84/98 T-IIIs, but likely they were offered in the mid-1930’s. The earliest examples are identified by not only having wood grip panels, but serifs on the letters “WKC”.

From recorded examples, most WKC B/Ks bear no external markings. Occasionally they may be found with an issue serial number on both bayonet & scabbard. From the late 1930s there are Police accepted bayonets, so at least one small contract was obtained. Normally the Police acceptance marking will be located on the blade spine, but examples have been reported with the marking stamped in the area forward of and below the “beak” of the pommel. Another contract was for the SS. Of three bona-fide examples reported, two have the SS totenkopf above a sideways (“lazy”) “S” stamped on the left side of the crossguard. Both bayonets were well used, and obtained from among thousands of bayonets imported from Eastern Europe in the early 1990s. The third was found in Norway. They were circa 1935/36, having wood grips and the early "WKC" marking with serifs.

Early WKC B/Ks are usually finished in a high-polish blue (WKC HiPol), degenerating to a duller salt-blue in 1941, which was used until the end of the war. Grips were initially wood, then blackish-brown phenolic resin, and finally a dark red, wood fiber impregnated resin composite (WKCRFMSNs & WKCRFNSN). These latter grips are sometimes encountered with bubbles, pocs and other imperfections. One unusual aspect of the post-1941 WKC commercial S84/98s T-IIIs are, they do not resemble their military contract counterparts, as is the case with other factories whom produced commercial S84/98 T-IIIs. Comparison of a wartime military contract “cvl” coded bayonet and it’s commercial cousin, reveal numerous differences in machining, assembly, finish, and use of grip materials. There may be evidence to suggest WKC commercials were later produced under contract at a satellite facility; possibly exclusively by & for the SS, at the Dachau KZL. The theory is only speculative at this time, and more research needs to be done to prove or refute this scenario.


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SECTION 1 (cont.):


The firm of Paul Weyersberg produced a series of S84/98 T-III B/Ks beginning by the mid-1930s. When their assigned S-Code was changed from “S/176” they utilized their firm name of “P. WEYERSBERG”. They also adopted a similar title to be marked on B/K bayonets of “PAUL WEYERSBERG & Co“ above the district “SOLINGEN”. Weyersberg military contract bayonets may sometimes be found with the commercial address on the ricasso or vice-versa, as components were taken from one assembly line to another to fulfill another production quota. Strictly B/K parts will not bear a WaA acceptance, but if military contract components were used, they may.

The earliest examples are likely those made for the Deutsch Reich Post, which was a long and exclusive contract for the Solingen firm. They have the Weyersberg commercial address and “DRP” stamped below it, on the ricasso (PWCoSol1a & 1b). This marking was soon replaced with a larger “R.P.” designation for ”Reich Post”. An additional serial number stamped on the opposite side, and in some cases, on the scabbard as well, will also be present (PWCoSol2a & 2b).

From reported serial numbers, the lowest “DRP” recorded example is 536 and highest 1840. To my knowledge, no evidence of serial number duplication in this contract has come to light. On the other hand, there are bayonets also marked "RP" and serial-numbered throughout this range until the "DRP" marking is no longer found. Whether these are two separate contracts or a mixed one is not clear. These early Weyersberg S84/98 T-IIIs will have a dull, satin-rust blued finish and wooden grips. Other than an occasional serial number, scabbards remain unattributed.

Production continued until sometime in 1944, judging from the characteristics observed on the bayonets themselves. Grip panels changed from wood to black phenolic resin to red phenolic & wood fiber composite when these changes took place with their military contract counterparts. The finish also degraded... first to a duller salt bluing and finally a weak bluing to the bayonet and a matte-blued finish to the scabbard. Change-over to the late pattern began in the mid-13,000 range, and the highest recorded “R.P.” marked example is 14496. Although no examples have yet been recorded in the 15,000 thru 16,000 range, bayonets in the 17,000 range have not been reported with any additional markings. The highest number recorded is 18643. However, a series of strictly late-pattern commercials in a new serial number range, were being produced concurrently. Bayonets with serial numbers 1494, 5093, and 8916 have been observed. None in this second run have been reported with additional markings (PWCoSol4a & 4b).

Paul Weyersberg also produced S84/98 T-III commercials for the German Police, starting in the mid-1930s and continuing through 1940. There are two variations encountered within these Police accepted Weyersberg commercials. The first variants look identical to the mid-1930s Reich Post contract examples (PWCoSol3a, b, & c). The second pattern bayonets are often made of components taken from the military production line. They usually have the “P. WEYERSBERG” military contract marking on both blade & scabbard (the latter often marked "PAUL WEYERSBERG 1940" . In addition, these later pieces may have matching serial numbered scabbards. They bear a Police "Eagle B" acceptance stamp on either the spine of the blade just forward of the muzzlering, or within the muzzlering contour. The example pictured is likely a c.a. 1940 Police contract piece with unmarked scabbard and a secondary serial number on the crossguard. It also has the Police Eagle/B on the blade spine. (PW1a, b, & c).

From reported serial numbers and markings on "DRP", "RP" and first contract Police accepted Weyersberg production, they may be part of a single run of bayonets (other than those low-numbered, late variants mentioned previously). Reich Post (RP) marked ones appear to be mixed with blocs of Police accepted bayonets, but it is also unclear if they, like the "DRP"/"RP" are mixed or separate contracts. The second Police contract, consisting of "P. Weyersberg |1940", "Eagle B" accepted bayonets, have been reported with a low number of 247 and a high of 9735. No duplication of serial numbers observed. No other variants appear to be mixed in this contract, which was likely for a total of 10,000 units. Should this remain to be the case, then it is probable, as with the early Reich Post bayonets, serial numbers were applied at the factory.


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Perhaps the most enigmatic of S84/98 T-III B/E variants are those examples which have no identifiable manufacturer markings. Why this would be so is unclear, but other bayonets like extraseitengewehre can often be found devoid of a manufacturer’s name or trademark. Bayonets produced for export during the 1930s also tend to be unattributed, where this was seldom the case earlier in the twentieth century. Collectors of the S84/98 commonly refer to these bayonets as “blankos”, although examples may have some external markings such as a serial number, Waffenamt acceptance, etc. Thus far, very few firms have been positively linked with a specific “blanko” S84/98 variant. However, collector research done by Bruce Karem has revealed a "Narrow-Blade" pattern S84/98 bearing the CLEMEN & JUNGE name. With additional collector research perhaps more unattributed S84/98s will finally be identified with the manufacturer whom produced them.

“Blanko” B/E S84/98 T-IIIs can be separated into three groupings. The first are early pattern bayonets that vary slightly from the usual Type-III (and why collectors refer to these as "Narrow-Blade" S84/98s). They were likely produced prior to 1934 and adoption of the Type-III specifications. Because they are more like the third pattern as opposed to the second, they are included in this study. The second grouping covers standard Type-III bayonets manufactured from 1934 thru 1941. The third classification continues from 1942 until the termination of production in late 1944 or early 1945.


These bayonets closely resemble the typical S84/98 T-III but many examples have a slightly narrower (nominally .5mm) blade with a longer taper to it. Two scabbard types may be found. The first has a heavy throat and the retaining screw is on the side of the scabbard above the frog stud. The second scabbard resembles the usual S84/98 T-III pattern, but has a correspondingly narrower taper like the bayonet blade. On most examples, a standard S84/98 T-III blade will not fit completely into this scabbard. Grips are always of wood. Scabbards are nicely rust blued as are most of the bayonets, but some are finished/polished “in-the-white”. Collectors refer to these variants as “Narrow-Blade” S84/98s. From observed issuance markings, these were primarily acquired by various German Police districts and the Reichbahn. Some examples seen are:

Unmarked example finished in the white. (NB T2Scb)
SBR.125. Saarbruecken Waffe Nr. 125 (NB SBR 125)
RBD KS 722 ReichbahnDirektion Kassel Waffe Nr. 722 (NB RBD WT)
Bz 11 509 BeZirk 11 (railway yard/depot 11. The “509” is stamped in the muzzlering contour, and may represent “Waffe Nr. 509”). (NB T2Scb BZ 11)

Other examples are completely unmarked.


This is the largest category of unattributed S84/98 T-IIIs. Generally they appear to have been made in the mid to late 1930s thru 1941. A typical example has black phenolic resin grips (although wood was still in use to a degree), a hi-polish blued finish to both blade & scabbard, and be lacking any external markings. Variants of this type can be found with a police acceptance on the blade spine. Others are known to have either one or two WaA acceptance markings on the pommel and/or finial ball of the scabbard. Confusion exists here, as research indicates a good number of these bayonets are actually Portuguese contract pieces, which will be covered in Section III.

The other issue is with the frequency of WaA markings. A "Blanko" T-III bearing a WaA acceptance on the scabbard finial and either one or two final acceptance WaAs on the left side of the hilt, would indicate a military contract piece. As such, these could have been made from armorer parts or are possibly "make-good" bayonets... used to swap out a example which was found not meeting standards during a final inspection. At this time, they kind of fall in the middle, between Military contract and the B/E designations. My inclination is to consider them Military contract if they bear a WaA on the scabbard finial and BOTH final acceptance WaAs on the hilt. Pictured is a completely unattributed example devoid of any WaA acceptance. (UnattHP)

One somewhat unique variant is what would be considered a special order S84/98 T-III. Two examples are known (with the author in possession of both). They were manufactured in 1940, as the only marking seen on either, is a "40" date stamp on the blade spine of one example. This same bayonet also has had the flash guard removed. Both bayonets are factory nickel finished and have black, phenolic resin grips. In comparing the two examples, it is irrefutable both were made by the same manufacture in the same time period (1940). The second example has a flash guard and both a light blue felt blade stopper and insert in the T/O slot. The unattributed scabbards are high-polish blue (UnattHPNFSPC1 & 2).

These bayonets were likely ordered for a special guard detail, honor unit, etc. Production might have been only a couple hundred units at most. The color of the felt seems to suggest Luftwaffe. The example without flash guard shows many scratches above the T/O slot, indicating it had been mounted/demounted from a rifle quite often. After much speculation, I came to the conclusion the bayonet had been issued to a guard whom had to "present arms" in his assigned duty. While the bayonet was mounted on the rifle, at times the glare from the flash-guard must have been directed right into his much so, that the flash guard was removed to prevent this from affecting his performance.


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SECTION II (cont.):


In this final group are bayonets produced primarily in 1943-44. Observation of the machining characteristics, components, and finish have lead to this conclusion. Thus far, although similar in appearance, examples made by three different firms are represented. Research has revealed who the manufacturers are for two of the variants. I opted to discuss the latter here rather than under their respective (identified) manufacturers because they usually show no identifiable external markings. The first type normally has very light-colored wooden grips, moderate machining to the bayonet, and a matte-blued scabbard (sometimes close to a gray phosphate in color). At least four examples of this variation have been found with evidence of Carl Eickhorn’s assigned alpha-code “cof” partially ground off the ricasso prior to finishing. In addition, the physical features of the bayonet are typical for Eickhorn at the time (BLANCO cof 1 & 2).

A second variation is similar to the first, but grips are normally red to orange colored phenolic resin, wood fiber composite. Machining is moderate to the bayonet, and the scabbard also has a matte-blue finish. Often there will be a single E/519 waffenamt acceptance marking found on the tang at or under the rear edge of the flash guard. From observations of military contract bayonets of the same time period, and placement of the single WaA acceptance marking, these bayonets were produced by EuF Horster/ “asw”/ "sgx" (BLANCO asw 1 & 2).

Finally a third example with wood or possibly red phenolic composite grips, and a dull blue (almost gray) finish, may be the work of Ernst Pack (assigned alpha code “cul”). Again, comparison of military contract production and unattributed examples, leads to this possibility. Most of these late unattributed bayonets are found in like new condition, indicating they may never have been issued before WWII ended. (BLANCO UNK 1 & 2).


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Several Solingen firms had been offering bayonets to the German military and/or foreign countries for decades. Foreign customers could obtain contracts directly with one of these companies to supply bayonets of the desired design. In other instances, a purchaser may have requested bayonets be supplied with an order of rifles contracted from a factory such as Mauserwerke. The arms factory would subcontract out manufacture of the bayonets to one of the Solingen firms. Completed bayonets would then be delivered to the arms plant, where they may have been given a matching serial number to each rifle delivered to the customer. Some of these bayonets are based on the S84/98, and therefore not true S84/98 T-IIIs. Since they often were manufactured concurrently with the S84/98 T-III, they are included for identification.

One of the largest contracts for export was to Portugal. Several weapon types were included in the initial 1937 contract and again in 1941. A slightly modified K98k rifle was supplied in the first contract, and a standard pattern variant was produced in the second. True S84/98 T-IIIs were supplied with both contracts from Mauserwerke, but who actually manufactured them remains undetermined. Neither bayonets nor scabbards will have any manufacturer’s markings, but otherwise display full German military waffenamt inspection stampings. The reason for this was Portugal insisted on having the same equipment (and thus meeting German Heer specifications) as Germany equipped it's own army with.

The 1937 contract bayonets have a deep blued finish with wood grips and originally a polished blued scabbard. Most scabbards have turned dull or were possibly refurbished by Portugal since. Both bayonet and scabbard will bear E/WaA253 acceptance markings. The serial number of the rifle it was equipped with is stamped lengthwise on the left side of the pommel, but scabbards were unattributed and unnumbered (PortM37a & b).

Bayonets of the 1941 contract have a hi-polish blue to both bayonet & scabbard, and usually lighter-colored wood grips. The acceptance markings are E/WaA883 and later E/WaA519. The serial number of the rifle will now be found stamped on the left side of the cross guard. On the scabbard, either the full serial number or alpha-prefix & last two digits of the serial number, are stamped on the frog stud (PortM41 a & b). With both contracts, undoubtedly spares were provided, and these bayonets would not have been numbered (PortM41NSNb). There also seems to be evidence not all rifles & bayonets were delivered, or were production overruns, which were ultimately acquired by the German military. It could be very difficult to ascertain which force actually used a bayonet in a case such as this. One example has red phenolic grips which appear original to the bayonet (PortM41NSNrpgb).

Another export-pattern bayonet is one very similar to a typical S84/98 T-III produced in the mid-1930s. It is readily identifiable because the bayonet is finished “in the white”, with wooden grips, and not provided with a flash guard. Experience during the First World War lead to incorporation of a flash guard on bayonets as a German Army requirement. The scabbards are finished in a deep, high-polish blue. The only external markings present may be a script “a” or “o” on the bottom edge of the blade just forward of the cross guard. Stamped on the tang, under the grips, will be found a typical assembly number, which the various small components will be matched to. On some examples a large E/WaA253 may also be found stamped there. It is not known whom these bayonets were made for. However, many were sold by Spain as surplus in the 1960s; some of which were in un-issued condition. Others had been heavily overhauled & blued in Spanish service. A strong possibility exists the German government acquired most of these bayonets, supplied them and additional arms, to the Fascists during the Spanish Civil War.

Not all these bayonets were exported, and those remaining were used by German para-military forces. Two examples I have observed are almost identical to those mentioned above, but share two differences. First, there is no script letter on the underside of the blade forward of the crossguard. Second, there is a factory applied serial number on the right side of the ricasso. I have #9263, which came without any frog. At the 2020 SOS show, I observed a second bayonet identical to mine, in the 9700 range. However, it was found in a orange-brown German Police pattern frog with troddel attached, and appeared to have been mated with these accessories for some time.(UnattWaA253EXPa & b).

A rather unusual export pattern bayonet is one which only superficially resembles the S84/98. Although unattributed, an example marked “EuF Horster” above “Solingen” is pictured in Klaus Lubbe’s “Deutsche Seitengeweher und Bayonet” book, plate# 157 . Construction of this bayonet is more like that of a Wiemar period Kurtzes Extraseintengewehr pattern than a S84/98, as is the heavy scabbard, and made originally with varying blade lengths and incorporating a muzzle ring for export sales. Examples are found approximating the S84/98 T-III in length, having a similar muzzle contoured cross-guard, but no flash guards. They may be seen with what look like typical Mauserwerke serial numbers stamped on the crossguard, which likely matched one of their export contract rifles (UnattEXa & b).

Another interesting example is what appears to be a standard S-Code marked S84/98 T-III. What makes it unusual is the blade being finished in the white, and use of a capital “A” replacing one of the WaA final acceptance stamps on the hilt. The scabbard is unnumbered, thus cannot be confirmed as original to the bayonet. Lastly there is a 5-digit number... again with typical Mauserwerke-font serials, on the left side of the cross guard. This number appears to be in the range for one of the Standard-Modell rifle contracts. Another example turned up on Ebay 11/1/19. This was serial# 2246d bearing a rifle serial number of 60474 on the cross guard. Pommel was pitted so no clear acceptance marks were visible & scabbard was a mismatched WKC (S244REJa, b, & c).

As one can see, there are a myriad of "Behoerden/Export" S84/98 & S84/98 T-III variants for the collector so interested, to consider. For many years, such bayonets tended to be ignored by many because they were not "military issue". However, it was dagger and extraseitengewehr enthusiasts whom first really took to these bayonets...particularly those marked for the Police, Reich Post, and Reich Bahn Dienst. Others may say it is because these collectors are attracted to shiny objects! Either way, though much new information has come to light since the 1980s, this is still a area of German bayonet collecting many are not well versed in. I hope this study will enlighten some.

Addendum 7/31/23: The URL below has been added to a rather unique behoerden and have decided to place it here:


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Interesting thread mainly now with added pictures with real codes, there should be done some correction probably.
I assume H dagger is not fully correct designation more real is sword H but in the case of pictured bayonets are both pieces of Horstator (HHS sword) dress production logo, found on Railways pieces of Halle district. 166.html
Should be not missidentified with WaA pieces and small sword H logo.
Secondly the narow or similar named pattern are confirmed as delivered too to Railways districts.
The designation of Railways bayonets are not too corect,
-SBR should be Saarbruecken and not Breslau as identified by german collectors,
-same RBD means Reichs Bahn Direktion,
-RBD WT on picture is for Wuppertal
-the explanation of BZ as Bezirk could be too not fully correct.
-on Clemen&Jung was wrongly assigned the name, on scabbard is the german variation- probably a misstype error.
Thanks for sharing the knowledge and the pieces.
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Fred, I have Weyersberg late bayo with Sn. 18643.
First and only example I am aware of above the 17K range. My notes are a bit dated, but 17555 is the highest number I currently show. Thanks for the info! Amended the PW & Co section with your new addition...
Thanks for the pic. In looking at this oddball Weyersberg contract I see a parallel with the earlier run of "Tr" bayonets (although I would not consider the latter behoerden). They, too, get up into the high 17K range by recorded serial numbers. I strongly suspect both contracts were likely for a even 20K and can see no reason why they would not be completed. Taking a line from the TV series The X-Files, "The truth is out there"...
Gents and Distinguished Colleagues:

Quite possibly the largest and most prolific manufacturer of bayonets and other sidearms was the firm of Carl Eickhorn. By the mid-1930s, usage of their former S-code “S/172” ceased, and was replaced with the firm's name. One would expect to encounter numerous examples of Eickhorn manufactured commercial S84/98 T-IIIs, yet attributed specimens are quite uncommon. One of the earliest examples is marked “CARL EICKHORN” above the district “SOLINGEN”. It has a four digit serial number stamped on the crossguard, and is “*K” (starburst K) Police accepted on the spine. The “SOLINGEN” surcharge was a feature several S84/98 manufacturers initially incorporated with their firm names shortly after the changeover from the S-Codes. This was dropped soon thereafter by all except the Paul Weyersberg concern, who continued it’s use on their commercial S84/98 T-IIIs only.
Hello Fred,
My modest contribution...
Carl Eickhorn stamped in reverse...
Wonderful work, thank you !

Regards Aws


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Thank you for providing this revealing array of photos. Becasue of the SOLIGEN surcharge, this bayonet was likely produced c.a. 1937, when the S/codes changed over to manufacturer's names. We know a few other firms also added the SOLINGEN surcharge at that time, but were apparently told by the OKH to eliminate it on military contract bayonets. Seems only Paul Weyersberg incorporated it on their "behoerden" production address stamping until manufacture ceased.
Here is a new addition. The example pictured appears to be one of the pre-S84/98 T3 "narrow-blade" variants, but with angular pommel. It is attributed to Euf Horster | Solingen. Both bayonet and scabbard exhibit refurbishment in German military fashion. It is unknown if serial# 206 was applied upon original issue or rework. The single number "5" would have been assigned the repairman to track his work. Scabbard has the throat modified with retention screw on the forward edge after removal of either rivet or screw on the face above the frog stud. Bayonet was blued over if "in-white" or not. Some of these had scabbards with a "Japaned" finish to them, which I believe is a form of shellac over a base blue, but cannot ascertain this from the photos. I have a similar, but unattributed variant (other than a issue# of 5288) on both bayonet's ricasso and scabbard. The grip screws are smaller/non-standard S84/98 T3 spanner nuts. Scabbard is extraseitengewehr/export pattern. Bluing is bright but on the bayonet I note that same reddish cast to the pommel as seen on the first example.


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The pieces were made in different way here, the 206 serialed looks like that crossguard was added from tang not from blade, so the pommel should be riveted to tang. The scabbard of S84/98nA type was reworked in NS period type mouth reconfiguration. The serials look like on different sides, one on blade is obverse and scabbard is on reverse. I personally would tend to early Weimar period here, which was overhauled later. Second one looks like typical export variation with this type of scabbard used on various contracts.
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First and only example I am aware of above the 17K range. My notes are a bit dated, but 17555 is the highest number I currently show. Thanks for the info! Amended the PW & Co section with your new addition...

The highest example that I have recorded is in the 199XX range. Your 20000 piece contract theory may have legs .....
Thanks Gents for your comments. BTW, #206 in post# 16 is not mine, but closed yesterday on that notorious auction site listed by "Gray Blanket"). Wanted to capture the photos while I could. The other bayonet I own. What I find unusual on that bayonet is the very high serial number for a behoerden example. Back to #206... as mentioned, it exhibits characteristics of a German military overhaul. From directives found in "Die Luftblatter", many of which were from those originally issued by the Heer, I found several which had to do with conversion of primarily captured bayonets. It seemed each directive was either a revision of a former one or a amendment to them. All were dated 1940 or later.

Now, what about behoerden taken in the mid-1930s? It dawned on me that prior to that time, the SA had been growing since 1923 and by 1934, had reached a strength of 4,000,000 men! History states this was unacceptable to both the Heer and Hitler, hence the infamous Night of the Long Knives took place from 30 June to 2 July, 1934. The SA had also been arming themselves by acquiring all kinds of weaponry, wherever they could get it. Once the SA leadership was liquidated and members either sworn into the Heer or sent running for cover, what became of all the arms (bayonets in particular)? My guess is the Heer took control of it all. Arms that could find use within the armed service branches of Germany were retained. I suspect some was eventually sent abroad as "military aid" (Spain immediately comes to mind). Material may have been made available to other organizations within Germany as well. When we see some of these unusual patterns of behoerden, perhaps the SA was where many of them came from... Thoughts?
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This most unusual Alex Coppel S84/98 T3 just came to my attention. I, for one, have never encountered such a variant. It appears to be a typical military piece by serial number range/date (37) and WaA acceptance markings. However, most interesting is the absence of either the S173 code or COPPEL GmbH manufacturer's name. Instead we find the behoerden ACS/scales icon and COPPEL firm name above SOLINGEN. From transition" markings observed on a few other bayonets of early, 1937 production, the addition of SOLINGEN was short-lived on the military contract bayonets. Paul Weyersberg, A. COPPEL and AWS/scales icon continued to use this, but only on behoerden production. There seem two possibilities. The first is this is a true military contract production bayonet which had the variant COPPEL marking applied as it was intended to replace the discontinued S173 stamping. The second possibility is the bayonet is again, a true military contract piece. However, it was diverted to fulfill a Behoerden order and the firm's marking applied was used temporarily and replaced with the ACS/scales icon only. Thoughts?


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Military Rifle Journal