bcd 45 86980 matching action and metal


Junior Member
After being misplaced in Baltimore for over a week courtesy of the United States Postal Service I finally have my most recent and probably best 98k purchase. From what I gather these high number 45s are the early ones continued over from 44 and they restarted later.
Please ask any questions or photo requests I have it out of the stock at the moment.
Appears all matching with possibly a light varnish on the stock. Stock is not numbered or marked internally or externally besides some in the sling slot. And looks like a zf41 stock? This late in the war crazy things happened or could just be the incorrect stock.
Blued parts:
Part of the rear sight
Trigger guard
Side panel of the bolt stop


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Post a picture of any markings on the bottom of the stock close to the toe. Stock has definitely been varnished.
Agreed with Mike, while BCD did use this style of KM stock, they did not to my knowledge ever use the zf41 on their rifles. The rest of the rifle looks killer. PM sent
Yes bcd never made zf41 but with all their use of contact parts I'm just curious with it being unmarked if it was a rejected stock given to them to make rifles with. I'm no expert on late war guns so curious if that's possible
Post a picture of any markings on the bottom of the stock close to the toe. Stock has definitely been varnished.
No markings there
Nope wrong stock. I was actually bidding on the rifle just for the stock.
The action would have been sold off. You stand a good chance of getting a decent 'C' stock for the action.
Stock is off a late 1944 or early 1945 Mauser Oberndorf zf41 equipped rifle.

bcd 45 is a pretty rare code so glad the metal is all matching and they didn't refinish it like the stock. I'm delighted with it and I believe I got it for a great price. All my others besides my wz98a are stock mismatch so one more doesn't hurt.
The barreled action is very cool, but that stock even though messed with… is not something you find everyday. I could imagine that if you decided to separate them… the stock would fetch a pretty penny.
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Wait - so this is an original MO semi-kriegsmodell zf-41 stock? Holy cow. Bruce I see why. An original MO semi stock would be a find worth quite a bit on its own. I’d pay a good buck for one. But ZF on top of that? Also, the late MO semi stocks are not menzel C stocks but MO made I believe? Were they used in to ‘45? As for the bcd, it would have had a full not semi stock this early. Early, high sn bcd 45s are very uncommon in their own right. I’d just ask who wants to trade? There are early menzel stocks around but not these so I suspect you’d have a few offers to trade. If u get that metal in to a right stock you’ve got a really nice gun.
Wait - so this is an original MO semi-kriegsmodell zf-41 stock? Holy cow. Bruce I see why. An original MO semi stock would be a find worth quite a bit on its own. I’d pay a good buck for one. But ZF on top of that? Also, the late MO semi stocks are not menzel C stocks but MO made I believe? Were they used in to ‘45? As for the bcd, it would have had a full not semi stock this early. Early, high sn bcd 45s are very uncommon in their own right. I’d just ask who wants to trade? There are early menzel stocks around but not these so I suspect you’d have a few offers to trade. If u get that metal in to a right stock you’ve got a really nice gun.
Go to the reference forum and you will see a bunch of L block byf44 rifles, many with zf41's. That is the type of rifle your stock would go on.
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That is One crude fella..I love it..ive never seen an unmilled bolt sleeveon a bcd either except on BNZ s..Thanks for posting
very bnz-esque bolt sleeve, hadn’t seen one like that on bcds.
I meant to comment about that too. The receiver, bolt body and cocking piece aren't finished much better. The metal finishing at those subcontractors really went off the deep end late and I like it.
I'll get some better photos of just the bolt. My crudest by far. Not as crude as my last ditch type 99 though. Amazing the difference between my q block bcd 4 and this one. My favorite is Farbs 45 in the sticky with the horrible flaws on the bolt and they still approved it.
other than being a bit heavier, the rough sleeve is just as functional as all those MILLIONS of pretty ones made consuming a TON of resources. Imagine what might have been with done with the steel, fuel, machine time, etc, etc,
if the Germans hadn’t been SO German!

I prefer the machined look, not perfectly smooth, but heck, I like ‘em all!
other than being a bit heavier, the rough sleeve is just as functional as all those MILLIONS of pretty ones made consuming a TON of resources. Imagine what might have been with done with the steel, fuel, machine time, etc, etc,
if the Germans hadn’t been SO German!

I prefer the machined look, not perfectly smooth, but heck, I like ‘em all!
I also wonder how many K98ks could have been made if one could go back in time and drop the Kriegsmodell construction and finishing standards into Speer's (I suppose Todt would be the man at the time) hands in say, 1939.