Well I have posted in the Bayonet and Accessories section. I don't have a lot of bayonets. The Imperial German colonies and Overseas Forces is my main focus. 95% of all my bayonets are from the German colonies or Overseas Forces. I apologize in advance that all of my backgrounds for my photos are not the same. I haven't had time to update all my stuff.
GSWA or German South-West Africa:
S98aA sawback Erfurt W99. The bayonet marked F.P.3.33 for Fuhrpark-Kolonne of the Schutztruppe in GSWA.

GSWA or German South-West Africa:
1912 Erfurt SB K.S.2837 (LG) or Leather grips.

KS98 marked: S.K.7.103. (Schutz. Kamerun, 7 Feldkompagnie, Waffe Nr. 103). Colonial Issue Kurzes sawback with leather grips, made by Erfurt, W07.

DOA or German East Africa:
1887/Weyersberg, Kirschbaum & Co of Sollingen/Sch. D.O.A. 223 (Grenadier-Regiment Kaiser Wilhelm, König von Preußen Nr.101 (2. Königlich Sächsisches)

S98aA shortened to 11.5"
1899 Erfurt (Cross guard marked II.E SB 1405 (II.Ersatz-Seebataillon, Waffe Nr. 1405), scabbard throat stamped W.W. 2364 (Werft Wilhelmshaven), opposite side of scabbard throat above the frog stud is marked II M AA 2612 (II Matrosen-Artillierie-Abteilung).