using my meter stick (@ 39.37” perfect for this job) I got 37-7/8” on two of 3 stocks, 37-13/16” on a third, measuring in the barrel channel, no butt plates or bayonet lug in place, meter stick 90 degrees to the floor, stock vertical, contacting floor @ area of upper bp screw. I call the end of the plate & butt the heel, but I’ve seen others call the number side (keel side) the heel.
It’s not a large difference, but significant, I’d say your stock has been shortened. If you have, or could borrow, a ‘known good’ K98k hand guard, lay the hand guard on top of the stock where it would normally sit. Often you can see where the retaining lip of the rear sight base was located, by contact marks or the color of the wood where the edge was coveted by the hand guard when in place. A standard length hand guard will either meet the sling band shoulder of the stock, or overhang it by the same ~3/8”/9mm that the barrel shoulder sticks out of the front band. In the particular case, the front band dimensions are the same, as is the way it fits & functions with the sling band & band spring. They just cut the shoulders back & re-used the hardware. “I believe” (but may be wrong) that yugo made bayo lugs are close enough dimensionally to be considered interchangeable, but may have subtle features different.
Notice how your stock has 2 holes under the bayo lug? That’s exactly how much yours was shortened, they cut the shoulder back & drilled a new pin hole.
So- what to do? if for a shooter, buy a surplus Israeli hg from numrich, cut it back to match the stock, assemble & shoot! If for a collector piece, then use as a placeholder while you look for something better, knowing what it is.