Here's some pics of my first K98. I got this pretty cheaply on GB ($535). I know most collectors don't have a lot of interest in post war stuff so I'm not sure if anyone here will find it interesting. But I think it's good to have pics out there on the web to document these things for the benefit of anyone who's looking, researching etc.
Personally it suits me that these are valued low, because I prefer mint conditioned milsurp stuff anyway even if that means it's post-interesting-historical-period, even unissued. I do get the interest in wartime stuff, I'm just not willing to prioritize it that much. I'm interested in what these things were like when they were issued, not so much what most of them are like now. But each to his or her own! Anyway, this is what a good Czech made post-war K98 looks like if anyone is considering one:
Ooops...looks like a little birdie slipped through the cracks! I'm assuming this was just whatever they had on hand, and they overlooked the nazi eagle.
Comments welcome - tell me whatever you can about it, even if it's that you think I overpaid
Personally it suits me that these are valued low, because I prefer mint conditioned milsurp stuff anyway even if that means it's post-interesting-historical-period, even unissued. I do get the interest in wartime stuff, I'm just not willing to prioritize it that much. I'm interested in what these things were like when they were issued, not so much what most of them are like now. But each to his or her own! Anyway, this is what a good Czech made post-war K98 looks like if anyone is considering one:
Ooops...looks like a little birdie slipped through the cracks! I'm assuming this was just whatever they had on hand, and they overlooked the nazi eagle.
Comments welcome - tell me whatever you can about it, even if it's that you think I overpaid