Antique Store Find

I suspect the Mauser decals are post war decals. Look how the helmet is used and abused but the Mauser decals are perfect.

Ninety five percent of gladiator helmets with a firm on it are bogus.
I doubt it / but you are entitled to your EXPERT opinion
Look, if you pleased as punch at your antique store “find” then far be it from to tell you about the lack of decal wear on that helmet.

If you don’t want comments about the items then why do you post them? Just want to hear nothing but accolades?

What is your expertise on this police helmet? How many original decals with companies have you seen? Post them so I can a be ”EXPERT”.
Look, if you pleased as punch at your antique store “find” then far be it from to tell you about the lack of decal wear on that helmet.

If you don’t want comments about the items then why do you post them? Just want to hear nothing but accolades?

What is your expertise on this police helmet? How many original decals with companies have you seen? Post them so I can a be ”EXPERT”.
I do not care what you think / Your opinion is like a$$ holes, everyone has one / You can not post anything without some know it all EXPERT sh!tting on it. What a waste of time and effort you are. Adios, I will not play your SHOOTER IKE game.....

I, however, do realize that everything I own is junk, fake , or sh!t according to "WORLD RENOWNED INTERNET EXPERTS" like you.

You have won, do you feel better now ??????
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