Another bnz turd.......

I think that's the 3rd complete turd from this seller in the last 30days I've seen.

Ya don't say.....I'm shocked, shocked I tell you! :faint::biggrin1:

He isn't known as the serial turd seller for nothing! Caveat Emptor, always....
The real fools are the ones who bid on it (TeaxsLawyer) Buyers beware! The man with the gray blanket won't stop as long as fools bid on some of his garbage.

I would say nothing is right about it, it looks to be an entirely scrubbed rifle that has been re-marked, - even dispensing with the tedious task of matching fonts, they just scrubbed it all and re-marked everything (incorrectly).

So much wrong...

I would say nothing is right about it, it looks to be an entirely scrubbed rifle that has been re-marked, - even dispensing with the tedious task of matching fonts, they just scrubbed it all and re-marked everything (incorrectly).

How can you tell? What are you looking for?
The list is endless as to why this is wrong, but in short no SDP rifle is marked this way, the BC is entirely fabricated, they are not done this way, second it has no characteristics of the first block of SDP 1944 production, it lacks the proper acceptance and it should have two FP and be SRO, not SBO, - this pattern didn't occur until later in 1944.

It can't be SS contract because it is the wrong receiver pattern and it isn't marked properly for one anyway. They should have slapped a rune on it and at least be plausible marking wise for one of the variations,- it wouldn't have fooled anyone but at least it could have been plausible for a novice.

Anyway, I doubt it has a single original part on it, but it hardly matters as the rifle is entirely incorrect regardless of what angle you look at it from. Anyone who has bothered to study SDP to any degree would know this, that is why it sold for so little compared to an original rifle, the humper didn't not know much about SDP production.
How can you tell? What are you looking for?

All in time grasshopper. I have been here for years, and have yet to grasp the marble from the masters hand. :hail: Yet, even I can see this one.

The more you study, the more examples you see, the more you see when there is something wrong. Knowing stock characteristics and associated stamps. Knowing the different fonts of the manufacturers, when used, and the little idiosyncrasies of some of the manufacturers. Knowing the little tricks humpers have used over the years. Some of them know as much about Mauser's as many here. It just takes time to be really good at seeing things. It is more art than science. Step one, buy books and learn.

Shame some poor soul paid a bolt m/m price for a complete fantasy. It's low life filth like this seller that are ruining the collecting community for everyone else IMO.
I know just enough to know to stay away from that seller no matter how legit something he's selling is.
Shame some poor soul paid a bolt m/m price for a complete fantasy. It's low life filth like this seller that are ruining the collecting community for everyone else IMO.

I hope it was really a "lawyer" that bought it and he got screwed for a change.
The list is endless as to why this is wrong, but in short no SDP rifle is marked this way, the BC is entirely fabricated, they are not done this way, second it has no characteristics of the first block of SDP 1944 production, it lacks the proper acceptance and it should have two FP and be SRO, not SBO, - this pattern didn't occur until later in 1944.

It can't be SS contract because it is the wrong receiver pattern and it isn't marked properly for one anyway. They should have slapped a rune on it and at least be plausible marking wise for one of the variations,- it wouldn't have fooled anyone but at least it could have been plausible for a novice.

Anyway, I doubt it has a single original part on it, but it hardly matters as the rifle is entirely incorrect regardless of what angle you look at it from. Anyone who has bothered to study SDP to any degree would know this, that is why it sold for so little compared to an original rifle, the humper didn't not know much about SDP production.

Hey Loewe, could you explain some of the acronyms you use here and in the other post with the SS depot rifle?
LR is not necessarily a bad seller, though it is good advice to know what you are looking at before bidding on anything he sells (probably good advice for most sellers). He has had rare rifles on his listings that were very honest and worthwhile, I know several collectors that knew what they were buying that were very happy with rifles from him, - in short he is a good resource for rifles if you know what you are buying.

At least he shows what he is selling (does a lot of decent pictures) and he seems to honor his return policy without fail, so he is a lot safer to deal with than a politician, which never tells you what you are "really gettin" and has never passed a law that applies to himself...

SDP=Steyr-Daimler-Puch (660-bnz)
BC- barrel code
SRO- serialed receiver only (SBO=barrel)

Hey Loewe, could you explain some of the acronyms you use here and in the other post with the SS depot rifle?
Lowe, I totally agree.
I have bought two items from LR.
One was a bayonet that I needed for the scabbard and the other was that Japanese Naval Special which I posted pictures of it here on our forum.
I am still pleased with BOTH purchases.
I got the Japanese rifle on the 'cheap' , too. In part because there were few bidders.
He finds allot of stuff. Many turds , but a few gems mixed in as well.