
I roll my own, 42 grains of IMR 4064 or 4166 under a 150 bullet. Gives approx 2300fps which is lower than mil spec. Paper dies easy :laugh:
Accurate in k98 and G43
It's always like this during election years as far as I can remember with ammo availability. I always stock up on reloading supplies during these years. Even for the lowly 8mm.

Yes, but now there is even a shortage of toilet paper!
I buy PPU when available/reasonable/when I see it for 8mm & 7.65x53 Argentine as well. Performs adequately for most civilian applications, reloads well. I pursue parallel tracks of buying & reloading ammo so as to maintain supply.....

Dang! I “could have” bought some 8mm last night @ my club mtg, but was unsure of it & didnt have $.
It was 100 rounds in a dusty reloaders box, labelled as RWS, headstamp “E 37” and another character I’m not remembering. looked like fmj, probly 150 gn, green-sealed primers, bullets crimped hard. looked like factory military ammo, but from someone’s cellar.
Anyone near Manchester, NH I have a bunch of original German WW2 ammo I would almost give away. It's laquered steel with original boxes but boxes condition are not great.
What's the opinion on FedArm's steel cased 197gr ammo? Supposedly a Russian or eastern European ammo reworked with new powder and primer. That's the only stuff that's readily available these days.

When I bought my RC, I got 250 rounds of it with the rifle for 10 cents a round. Any actual issues? I get that I want to minimize wear and brass case is better, but are there actual issues like broken extractors or something people have experienced?
Just as well sit & wait for the ammo to become available. The best I've seen on GB for PPU 8MM is upwards of $2/round. I'm in Upstate NY so with the winter coming I won't be heading to range all that much.
No sense paying $2-$3 a round that I won't even use it for 5 months.

If you're patient then the ammo with eventually become available at reasonable prices.
Just as well sit & wait for the ammo to become available. The best I've seen on GB for PPU 8MM is upwards of $2/round. I'm in Upstate NY so with the winter coming I won't be heading to range all that much.
No sense paying $2-$3 a round that I won't even use it for 5 months.

If you're patient then the ammo with eventually become available at reasonable prices.

have to agree w/the above, in Sept I found ppu in 8mm & 7.65x53 & bought 200 rounds of each, cringed a bit because it was $.90-$.95/round, + shipping, now that seems more OK. I’ve never been one to pay $35-$40/ box of 20 ”match grade” ammo, just seems too $$ for my tastes......
I think we are unlikely to see lower ammo prices for a while, especially if restrictions for online sales go into effect, but to each his own. Obviously keep looking beyond gunbroker for private sellers. Here, CMP, Gunboards and local forums like NWFA. Before I got the FedArm ammo, I picked up a sealed tin of Romanian 70s surplus for 40 cents a round. Deals are out there, just look beyond GB.

Just as well sit & wait for the ammo to become available. The best I've seen on GB for PPU 8MM is upwards of $2/round. I'm in Upstate NY so with the winter coming I won't be heading to range all that much.
No sense paying $2-$3 a round that I won't even use it for 5 months.

If you're patient then the ammo with eventually become available at reasonable prices.

I think we are unlikely to see lower ammo prices for a while, especially if restrictions for online sales go into effect, but to each his own. Obviously keep looking beyond gunbroker for private sellers. Here, CMP, Gunboards and local forums like NWFA. Before I got the FedArm ammo, I picked up a sealed tin of Romanian 70s surplus for 40 cents a round. Deals are out there, just look beyond GB.

By Romanian, are you talking about the PWA 8 mm steel cased ammunition? 170 grainI believe. Is this ok to use? Any drawbacks?
In late march or early april, I posted a for sale thread on some left over M-49 Yugo I had, in the box stored in ammo cans. I had just finalize a deal for quantity of M-75 that I got for 35 cents around which I need for my yugo M-76. I was asking 50 cent a round, for the m-49 NO LONGER FOR SALE

no takers then

I really appreciate no one going for that ammo now, heck I paid about 5-7 cent a round for it a many years ago

buying ammo in a pandemic WTF
Absolutely. My steel cased surplus goes into my bolt guns and they get a spray of ballistol down the barrel even before I leave the range. My brass cased Yugo surplus and PPU goes into my Egyptian FN49.

Romo 8mm ammo is good ammo, but treat as corrosive when cleaning your weapon.
Turkish ammo

Whats the scoop on the Turkish ammo? I looked it up and there was an evaluation which stated that they cracked a stock while testing the ammo? Is this stuff “hot” and what does that mean? And what’s this “corrosive” business all about?

Please educate me. I found two sites which sell this stuff and one of our members has made some available to me.
