Yes I do have it. I have both variants of the ammo. Th websites I use is PPUs main website in Siberia not the USA one.
I can upload a pic of the “hotter ammo if you’d like. Also where do I find the cat#?
all of my comments are specific to US domestic product, as that’s where I shop.
I looked in my ammo stash to see if I had any ppu boxes, nope, I’ve reboxed what I have to save space. PPU/nny has changed their packaging at least twice in the last 15 years, different color boxes & changed from paper separators to plastic like Winchester or Remington branded rifle cartridges.
I visited the Privi Partisan website, sure enough, it shows the load you posted, but no cat#s on any product on the site.
the copyright date is 2013, which makes me suspect that the info may not be current, from experience with other sites.
i doubt the headstamps are different, but if they are, a pic would show us what to look for.(or any obvious difference in the cartridges)
ditto with the 20 rd box, it may have a different logo, or product line name than the TRZ Trading (PPU-USA) website shows.
do you recall where & how long ago you found the “good stuff”?
a little arithmatic: @ 2460 fps, the “hot stuff” has a muzzle velocity 11.4% faster than the “weak stuff” @ 2180 fps.
thats not much greater than the standard deviation on my reloads ~ 190 fps.
I haven’t clocked any new-in-box ppu 7.92 ammo (meaning to be inclusive) or 1940s German steel cased ammo, but wartime ammo has noticeably greater recoil & smaller groups. I’d shop for the faster ppu if we can see how to identify it. I generally go for price, then what’s actually available, in terms of bullet choice. It doesn’t matter punching holes which bullet it is.(to me)
I wrote to TRZTrading & asked if they offered a different loading, we’ll see what they say.