Amazing change for the better over time

Hell yes !!!!! We get a Portable XRF spectrometer, a little VooDoo magic and a letter of authenticity ..... :googlie


We already have 1,000 more investigative tools than collectors had 20 years ago. The problem is that many people are lazy, and simply do not seek readily available information that already exists, before putting hard earned money down on questionable pieces.

I do not know a single collector that would KNOWINGLY steer another person the wrong way, if asked for his opinion, on an artifact.
Spammers spam because the ignorant fall for it. Scotty and the rest destroy history and scam others because the ignorant fall for it. Unless Scotty et al were forced to change, they will never change.
Current Thread - byf45

Scott has been contacted on this issue so lets see what if any response is visible on his web site.
Obviously, if a gun has a known history of restoration, that should be disclosed.

Here we now know that a forum member sold the rifle and disclosed the issues.
Through multiple transfers, this backstory was lost or not disclosed.

Will see what happens here.

I find it sad when people make fun of others for being over weight. Especially when so many here are over weight themselves. As a exercise/weight lifting enthusiast I can tell that Scottie suffers from more then just over eating, likely a thyroid issue.
I make fun of him because he tried to cheat me. If it weren't for that, I would say absolutely zilch about him. I don't forget and certain things I don't forgive. I find HIM and crooks like him sad. Regardless of what may come of this latest incident, many of us know just what kind of dealer dear ol' scotty is.
My jab was at his pricing and sales antics for the record. He hasn’t personally done me wrong or anything, how could I afford to have that experience? One minute scanning over a table and listening to a dealers discussions is usually all it takes to get a feel for character though.
Just for the record I've kown Scotty for years at the shows and seen firsthand how he treats people. I mean a good friend of mine at another show told me an old man came by selling a nice Mauser at his table. Scotty took one look at it and handed it back to him and said we don't buy shite like that. Turns out later he came by my buddies table and he specifically asked why he didn't buy it. The man's reply was well that overly fat gentleman that was very rude said we don't buy shite like this. He was actually very polite to the gentleman and ended up buying it off instead. And that's just one incident I have heard about Scott is extremely rude to a lot of people.
Seeing what it was sold for and then resold to him for I assume more ? He wont take a bath on it..... I guarantee it.
He's pushing a lot of buttons in that item description. Words like "crisp" and "Just found down in Texas." Makes it sound like he dragged it right out of the vet's closet, huh? Seems like he knows the right buzzwords for his audience. I still say this makes the nearly identical duffle cut one I recently bought look like a real bargain.
I'm always enamored by these Sales Descriptions that go on and on and on.........but end with, "But, I'm no Expert."

He should use that Disclaimer to peddle his wares, like most all of the other Scammers. :facepalm:
..these Sales Descriptions that go on and on and on.........but end with, "But, I'm no Expert."

Yes! A couple write a damn fantasy novel for every rifle. My favorite though has to be the sweaty Ben sales pitch. "Every number I can see matches" and some other drivel and then the closer.. "but we just don't know". IMO that's his get off the hook line when someone later learns all or most of the markings are faked.

Fwiw, I believe he absolutely knows.