Ajack SS Dienstglas on SSR - arsenal reserialized

Thank you for the link. I only thought of the pics in Roberts book, and these are rather small and only black and white. The 7 on your SSDC sniper rifle has a serif on top. The 7 on my scope does not. So probably not the same person who did the numbers on these. But are there other items where EP markings can be found, other than the SSZZA4 marked items?
Could this be the original pouch for your scope?

I have the same scope marked 5230 on the tube and mount. I also have the original leather pouch and the pouch looks very similar to mine and the only marking is 5230 on the top of the lid.

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Oh yes, it looks as if this was the original matching numbers scope case to the first rifle serial! I wonder where it is now. Do you know when this was sold?

Your ensemble looks very nice, congratulations to it! Please share a few more pictures of it.

I am absolutely no expert on K98k snipers, however, I have always been intrigued by them. In addition, the infrequent and often faked subcategory of K98k SS snipers intrigues me even more. My point is, I for one, am exceedingly grateful for posts and photos like yours to further my ongoing education in this area. So, thank you for this thread. :thumbsup:

Oh yes, it looks as if this was the original matching numbers scope case to the first rifle serial! I wonder where it is now. Do you know when this was sold?

Your ensemble looks very nice, congratulations to it! Please share a few more pictures of it.

I have no idea when it was sold, but it looks like it was on eBay. I just stumbled upon it while trying to find some more info about my scope case (I dont think there are many of them), and a little later I saw the pictures in your post and I happend to recognize the serial number.
From the description it doesn't look like the seller actually knew exactly what he had.

Thank you. I inherited the scope from my grandfather who found this among some other things while he was working with demolition of old German barracks in Oslo after the war. I will make a tread with some more pictures and the whole story.
JPH, can you nevertheless post pics of the serial on the scope can?

Spiff, would be very pleased to see additional pictures of your ensemble!