Try more pictures or describe it better, does the bolt and trigger guard match the receiver serial? Any damage to the metal, drilling or alteration? Bill is right that such a rifle, even if matching, isn't worth a great deal, but the parts, if decent, are worth more than $100, and matching actions can pull a couple hundred plus at auction. I have sold more than a few barreled receivers for more than $100, even several receivers, much depends on the appearance and condition.
As to a restoration value, it would depend on how nice the metal is, but generally there are about 10 nice 98a actions for every loose stock set, generally unless the action is very nice it isn't worth restoring as a stock will cost as much as the entire rifle would be worth (if you can even find a loose one for sale),- and there are fit issues, you usually can't just drop a 98a action in a 98a stock and call it done, everyone I have tried the stock didn't really fit well without work.