AC 44 G43 Russian Capture East German Rework

Nice rifle. What year were these imported ? What was the price they were selling for ? Seen the Russian K98 reworks but never seen those K43 advertised, they had to be in small numbers like the SVT 40 ??
I don’t know beans about these, but I find the “X” above the model/serial # to be extraordinary. The surface is concave, yet when you look closely, the mark wasn’t made with a flat die stamp, the die was made convex to match. any chance that’s meant to indicate a roman numeral 10? (for a repair/overhaul depot?) not questioning anything as to origins & who did what, just pointing out that it isn’t an ordinary rc ‘x’, it has serifs, not made w/4strokes of a cold chisel, crudely.
They had an "X" and a big foot "X" stamp. The variation in stamps has been discussed previously on this forum. There are multiple variations in these VoPo rifles, especially as to how they were marked.