Third Party Press

A Turd even I could spot


Well-known member
Check this out. A Russian capture all matching, wait wut? yes, here is your chance to own the one K98k that went through the Russian rebuild and ended up with all the correctly numbered parts
I am the first to admit I can be easily fooled but seriously. Check the bolt renumber, notice something?
Shouldn't people be able to alert GB for such and obvious fraud?

It is an RC, check the sanded then stamped receiver number on the stock. I believe only the Russians numbered horizontally
I have had dozens of RCs and about one in 5 did not have the "X" aka Crossed Rifles but looking closer and you are correct, my bad that is an X block
LOL, I actually thought that would be about polishing a K98k and kept wondering when they would go from making poop balls to polishing the rifle
I love how he couldn't even be bothered to hump a proper milled triggerguard, he left a stamped one on haha
Sweet Jesus Holy Pimpshine Batman!!! I had to add that to my watch list to see how bad someone gets snookered...

Military Rifle Journal