A Couple Pre-War Rifles


Well-known member
Well kind of, I wish they were mine. I recently acquired this fantastic photo and a very eye catching detail popped out at me. The pre-war Weimar acceptance proofs are very distinct. Thought other may enjoy it as well. As you can tell I enjoy it so much I made it my Avatar. Please feel free to move this post if this is the wrong place to share.

Maybe early MO based on the 'stacked' stock acceptance?? Interesting that the 2 standing both have fixed bayonets but the kneeler does not. All early rifles in any case. Annexation actions or maybe training?
I was thinking possibly training also. My thought is that its later than the Polish invasion due to the national emblem not being present and the rough texture on the helmets. I found the fixed bayonets to be especially intriguing.