98k!!! Question! Gustloff Werke

Your link doesn't work but by posting it expect the gun to be bought out from under you if it is good.
Are you looking for a shooter, which this might be perfect for, or a collectors piece, which I don't think this piece is.
Yeah, my CE 42 stock looks just like that one. Been sanded and the bolt knob recess isn't as tall as they normally are. Actually I'm glad to see another just like it cause I wondered if that cut out was fake. The price is right. If it has a very good bore I'd buy it.
bcd 42

Seems like a good deal to me, sanded or not. Bolt mm with a good bore, I don't see a lot of 42 rifles myself. Now days rc's are going for about that much. If I were in Ga. I'd buy it, just my opinion.